.. module:: braviz.visualization *********************************** Visualization *********************************** 3D Geometry Visualization --------------------------- Braviz relies on `VTK `_ for 3D visualization. The classes and functions in this module are meant to wrap common vtk tasks in order to make it easier to implement brain visualizations. The main modules used for this purpose are: - Simple VTK (:mod:`~braviz.visualization.simple_vtk`) : Several utilities that help displaying data in vtk. Includes the :class:`~braviz.visualization.simple_vtk.SimpleVtkViewer`, a lightweight viewer useful for testing. see :doc:`simple_vtk` - Subject Viewer (:mod:`~braviz.visualization.subject_viewer`) : Implements a powerful viewer and Qt4 Widget which directly requests data, and handles subject and space changes. see :doc:`subject_viewer` The module :mod:`~braviz.visualization.fmri_view` contains some low level utilities for displaying fMRI data. The module :mod:`~braviz.visualization.checkerboard_view` implements a widget that shows two images in a checkboard pattern. It is intended to check the registration between different modalities. .. toctree:: :hidden: simple_vtk subject_viewer fmri_view checkboard_view Statistical Visualization --------------------------- One of the strengths of braviz is combining scientific visualizations and statistical visualizations. For visualizing tabular data the following options exist. Matplotlib based visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The most direct way to visualize statistical data is using the `seaborn `_ library. The module :mod:`~braviz.visualization.matplotlib_qt_widget` wraps several of seaborn plots into an interactive qt widget. .. toctree:: :hidden: matplotlib_widget Experimental D3 based visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is some experimental support for web-based visualizations using the `D3 `_ library, which are served from a `tornado web server `_ . These visualizations can be displayed in Qt applications using a `QWebView `_ but the performance is not optimal. It is better to display them in a full browser. We are still working on tightening the integration between this kind of visualizations with the rest of the system. .. toctree:: :hidden: d3_viz See the module :mod:`~braviz.visualization.d3_visualizations`.