Source code for braviz.interaction.qt_widgets

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import division, print_function
import cPickle
from functools import wraps
from itertools import izip
import itertools
import logging

import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui

from braviz.readAndFilter import tabular_data as braviz_tab_data, user_data as braviz_user_data, config_file
from braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data import get_var_name, is_variable_nominal, get_labels_dict, \
    get_data_frame_by_index, get_maximum_value, get_min_max_values

__author__ = 'Diego'

[docs]class RotatedLabel(QtGui.QLabel): """ A vertical label useful for labeling rows of data Args: parent (QObject) : Qt Parent """ def __init__(self, parent): super(RotatedLabel, self).__init__(parent) self.color = (255, 0, 0)
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """ Sets the color of the label Args: color (tuple): a 3-tuple with values in [0,1] """ if color is not None: color = [c * 256 for c in color] self.color = color else: self.color = (0, 0, 0)
def paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent): color = self.color painter = QtGui.QPainter(self) painter.setPen( text = self.text() font = painter.font() font.setPointSize(12) painter.setFont(font) fm = QtGui.QFontMetrics(painter.font()) # print "g:",self.rect() # print "t:",fm.boundingRect(text) g = self.rect() x = g.width() / 2 + (fm.ascent() / 2) # -10 is for the square y = g.height() / 2 + fm.width(text) / 2 - 15 # print "x:",x painter.translate(x, y) painter.rotate(270) qcolor = QtGui.QColor.fromRgb(*color) painter.fillRect( QtCore.QRect(-1 * fm.height() - 10, -1 * fm.ascent() + 2, 20, 20), qcolor) painter.drawText(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), text) painter.restore()
[docs]class ListValidator(QtGui.QValidator): """ Can be applied to :obj:`QLineEdit` so that it will only accept input from a list of possible values. Can be used together with :obj:`QCompleter` Args: valid_options (set) : Set of valid strings to accept as input """ def __init__(self, valid_options): super(ListValidator, self).__init__() self.valid = frozenset(valid_options) def validate(self, QString, p_int): str_value = QString if str_value in self.valid: return QtGui.QValidator.Acceptable, QString, p_int else: if len(str_value) == 0: return QtGui.QValidator.Intermediate, QString, p_int try: _ = int(str_value) except Exception: return QtGui.QValidator.Invalid, QString, p_int else: return QtGui.QValidator.Intermediate, QString, p_int
def repeatatable_plot(func): @wraps(func) def saved_plot_func(*args, **kwargs): self = args[0] self.last_plot_function = func self.last_plot_arguments = args self.last_plot_kw_arguments = kwargs return func(*args, **kwargs) return saved_plot_func class MatplotWidget(FigureCanvas): box_outlier_pick_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, tuple) scatter_pick_signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, tuple) # TODO: instead of using blit create a @wrapper to save last render command to restore after drawing subjects # TODO: Unify with MatplotWidget in visualization def __init__(self, parent=None, dpi=100, initial_message=None): fig = Figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=dpi, tight_layout=True) self.fig = fig self.axes = fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes2 = None # self.axes.hold(False) FigureCanvas.__init__(self, fig) self.setParent(parent) FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy( self, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.updateGeometry() palette = self.palette() self.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) fig.set_facecolor(palette.background().color().getRgbF()[0:3]) self.initial_text(initial_message) self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) self.xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() self.ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() # self.mpl_connect("button_press_event",self.generate_tooltip_event) self.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.generate_tooltip_event) self.setMouseTracking(True) self.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_event_handler) self.x_order = None self.x_order_i = None self.fliers_x_dict = None self.last_plot_function = None self.last_plot_arguments = None self.last_plot_kw_arguments = None self.limits_vertical = True def initial_text(self, message): if message is None: message = "Welcome" sns.set_style("dark") self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes.text(0.5, 0.5, message, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=12) # Remove tick marks self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', right='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'x', top='off', bottom='off', labelbottom='off', labeltop='off') # Remove axes border for child in self.axes.get_children(): if isinstance(child, matplotlib.spines.Spine): child.set_visible(False) # remove minor tick lines for line in self.axes.xaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True) + self.axes.yaxis.get_ticklines(minor=True): line.set_markersize(0) self.draw() self.x_order = None @repeatatable_plot def compute_scatter(self, data, data2=None, x_lab=None, y_lab=None, colors=None, labels=None, urls=None, xlims=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.fig.clear() if len(data) == 0: log.warning("Data Frame is empty") elif isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): assert pd.isnull(data).sum().sum() == 0 elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): assert np.sum(np.isnan(data)) == 0 elif isinstance(data, list): for each in data: assert np.sum(np.isnan(each)) == 0 else: raise ValueError if data2 is not None: if len(data2) == 0: log.warning("Data2 is empty") elif isinstance(data2, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): assert pd.isnull(data2).sum().sum() == 0 elif isinstance(data2, np.ndarray): assert np.sum(np.isnan(data2)) == 0 elif isinstance(data2, list): for each in data2: assert np.sum(np.isnan(each)) == 0 else: raise ValueError self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.axes.clear() # self.draw() self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top="off") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") # print "urls:" ,urls if data2 is None: data2 = np.random.rand(len(data)) self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off', right="off") else: self.axes.tick_params( 'y', right='on', labelright='on', left='off', labelleft='off') if x_lab is not None: self.axes.set_xlabel(x_lab) if y_lab is not None: self.axes.set_ylabel(y_lab) if len(data) == 0: pass elif colors is None: colors = "#2ca25f" self.axes.scatter( data, data2, color=colors, picker=5, urls=urls, alpha=0.8) else: for c, d, d2, lbl, url in zip(colors, data, data2, labels, urls): self.axes.scatter( d, d2, color=c, label=lbl, picker=5, urls=url, alpha=0.8) self.axes.legend(numpoints=1, fancybox=True, fontsize="small", ) self.axes.get_legend().draggable(True, update="loc") if xlims is not None: width = xlims[1] - xlims[0] if width == 0: xlims2 = (xlims[0] - 0.5, xlims[0] + 0.5) else: xlims2 = (xlims[0] - width / 10, xlims[1] + width / 10,) self.axes.set_xlim(xlims2, auto=False) else: self.axes.set_xlim(auto=True) self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) self.draw() self.xlim = None self.ylim = None self.x_order = None self.back_fig = None def redraw_last_plot(self): if self.last_plot_function is None: return else: self.last_plot_function( *self.last_plot_arguments, **self.last_plot_kw_arguments) def add_max_min_opt_lines(self, mini, opti, maxi): if self.back_fig is None: self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) self.xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() self.ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() else: self.restore_region(self.back_fig) self.axes.set_xlim(self.xlim, auto=False) self.axes.set_ylim(self.ylim, auto=False) if mini is None: self.blit(self.axes.bbox) return if self.limits_vertical: opt_line = self.axes.axvline(opti, color="#8da0cb") min_line = self.axes.axvline(mini, color="#fc8d62") max_line = self.axes.axvline(maxi, color="#fc8d62") else: opt_line = self.axes.axhline(opti, color="#8da0cb") min_line = self.axes.axhline(mini, color="#fc8d62") max_line = self.axes.axhline(maxi, color="#fc8d62") self.axes.draw_artist(min_line) self.axes.draw_artist(max_line) self.axes.draw_artist(opt_line) self.blit(self.axes.bbox) def add_threshold_line(self, thr): thr_line = self.axes.axvline(thr, color="#000000") self.axes.draw_artist(thr_line) self.blit(self.axes.bbox) def add_grayed_scatter(self, data, data2): colors = "#BBBBBB" patches = self.axes.scatter(data, data2, color=colors, ) self.axes.draw_artist(patches) self.blit(self.axes.bbox) @repeatatable_plot def make_box_plot(self, data, x_var, y_var, xlabel, ylabel, xticks_labels, ylims=None, intercet=None): if x_var is None: plot_data=data[[y_var]] x_permutation = None self.x_order = None else: plot_data=data[[x_var,y_var]] # Sort data and labels according to median x_permutation = plot_data.groupby(x_var).median().sort(y_var).index plot_data[x_var] = plot_data[x_var].astype("category") plot_data[x_var]=plot_data[x_var].cat.reorder_categories(x_permutation, ordered=True) plot_data[x_var].cat.categories = [xticks_labels[x] for x in plot_data[x_var].cat.categories] self.x_order = {x:i for i,x in enumerate(x_permutation)} sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) self.axes.clear() self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top="off") self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='on', right="on") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) # artists_dict = self.axes.boxplot(data, sym='gD') sns.boxplot(x=x_var, y=y_var, data=plot_data, ax=self.axes, fliersize=10) #sns.boxplot(data_list, ax=self.axes, fliersize=10, # names=ticks, color="skyblue", width=0.5) # find fliers for ls in self.axes.get_lines(): if ls.get_markersize() == 10: ls.set_picker(5) poss_ids = dict() for x, y in izip(*ls.get_data()): if x_var is not None: ids=data.loc[(data[x_var] == x_permutation[x]) & (data[y_var] == y)].index else: ids=data.loc[(data[y_var] == y)].index poss_ids.setdefault((x, y), set()).update(ids) urls = [] for x, y in izip(*ls.get_data()): u = poss_ids[(x, y)].pop() urls.append(u) ls.set_url(urls) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) # if xticks_labels is not None: # self.axes.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels(xticks_labels) if ylims is not None: yspan = ylims[1] - ylims[0] self.axes.set_ylim(ylims[0] - 0.1 * yspan, ylims[1] + 0.1 * yspan) if intercet is not None: self.add_intercept_line(intercet) self.ylim = None self.xlim = None self.draw() self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) @repeatatable_plot def make_linked_box_plot(self, data, outcome, x_name, z_name, ylims=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) plot_data=data[[outcome,x_name, z_name]] x_labels = braviz_tab_data.get_labels_dict_by_name(x_name) z_labels = braviz_tab_data.get_labels_dict_by_name(z_name) # reorder x_permutation = plot_data.groupby(x_name).median().sort_values(by=outcome).index z_permutation = plot_data.groupby(z_name).median().sort_values(by=outcome).index plot_data[x_name] = plot_data[x_name].astype("category") plot_data[z_name] = plot_data[z_name].astype("category") plot_data[x_name]=plot_data[x_name].cat.reorder_categories(x_permutation,ordered=True) plot_data[z_name]=plot_data[z_name].cat.reorder_categories(z_permutation,ordered=True) # rename categories plot_data[x_name].cat.categories = [x_labels[x] for x in plot_data[x_name].cat.categories] plot_data[z_name].cat.categories = [z_labels[z] for z in plot_data[z_name].cat.categories] fliers_dict = {} group_width=0.8 sns.boxplot(x_name,outcome,z_name,data=plot_data, ax=self.axes, fliersize=10, width=group_width) #sns.boxplot(values, ax=self.axes, names=labels, color=colors, # fliersize=10, widths=box_width, positions=positions) # find outliers z_levels = len(plot_data[z_name].unique()) group_centers_space = group_width - group_width / z_levels offset = group_centers_space/2 each_width=group_centers_space/(z_levels-1) poss_ids = dict() #print(offset) #print(each_width) for ls in self.axes.get_lines(): if ls.get_markersize() == 10: ls.set_picker(5) for x, y in izip(*ls.get_data()): xx = np.round(x) zz = x - xx + offset zz = np.round(zz/each_width) x_val = x_permutation[xx] z_val = z_permutation[zz] ids = data.loc[(data[x_name] == x_val)&(data[outcome] == y)&(data[z_name] == z_val)].index poss_ids.setdefault((x,y),set()).update(ids) urls = [] for x, y in izip(*ls.get_data()): urls.append(poss_ids[(x, y)].pop()) ls.set_url(urls) self.axes.set_ylabel(outcome) if ylims is not None: yspan = ylims[1] - ylims[0] self.axes.set_ylim(ylims[0] - 0.1 * yspan, ylims[1] + 0.1 * yspan) self.draw() self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) positions_dict = {} for x,z in itertools.product(data[x_name].unique(),data[z_name].unique()): xx = x_permutation.get_loc(x) zz = z_permutation.get_loc(z) positions_dict[(x,z)]=xx+zz*each_width-offset self.x_order = positions_dict self.draw() @repeatatable_plot def make_diagnostics(self, residuals, fitted): import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=(2, 1)) sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) self.axes.clear() self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) # self.axes.set_ylabel("Residuals") self.axes.set_xlabel("Frequency") self.axes.hist( residuals, color="#2ca25f", bins=20, orientation="horizontal") self.axes2 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0], sharey=self.axes) self.axes2.scatter(fitted, residuals, s=20, color="#2ca25f") self.axes2.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes2.tick_params( 'y', left='on', labelleft='on', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes2.set_ylabel("Residuals") self.axes2.set_xlabel("Fitted") self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position("left") self.axes2.axhline(color='k') self.draw() self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) self.x_order = None def add_subject_points(self, x_coords, y_coords, z_coords=None, color=None, urls=None): # print "adding subjects" # self.restore_region(self.back_fig) self.redraw_last_plot() if self.x_order is not None: if isinstance(self.x_order, dict): if z_coords is not None: x_coords = map(self.x_order.get, izip(x_coords, z_coords)) else: x_coords = map(self.x_order.get, x_coords) else: raise Exception("deprecated") if color is None: color = "black" n_subs = len(x_coords) alpha = 1 if n_subs > 1: alpha = 0.5 + 0.5/n_subs collection = self.axes.scatter( x_coords, y_coords, marker="o", s=120, edgecolors=color, urls=urls, picker=5, zorder=10, linewidths=3, alpha=alpha) collection.set_facecolor('none') self.axes.draw_artist(collection) # self.blit(self.axes.bbox) self.draw() self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) def add_intercept_line(self, ycoord): self.axes.axhline(ycoord,color='k') self.draw() self.back_fig = self.copy_from_bbox(self.axes.bbox) def generate_tooltip_event(self, e): # print type(e.artist) if type(e.artist) == matplotlib.lines.Line2D: urls = e.artist.get_url() # print e.ind ind = e.ind if hasattr(ind, "__iter__"): ind = ind[0] u = urls[ind] self.box_outlier_pick_signal.emit( str(u), (e.mouseevent.x, self.height() - e.mouseevent.y)) elif type(e.artist) == matplotlib.collections.PathCollection: if e.artist.get_urls()[0] is None: return ind = e.ind if hasattr(ind, "__iter__"): ind = ind[0] subj = str(e.artist.get_urls()[ind]) self.scatter_pick_signal.emit( subj, (e.mouseevent.x, self.height() - e.mouseevent.y)) else: return def mouse_move_event_handler(self, event): # to avoid interference with draggable legend # self.pick(event) legend = self.axes.get_legend() if (legend is not None) and (legend.legendPatch.contains(event)[0] == 1): pass # print "in legend" else: self.pick(event)
[docs]class ContextVariablesPanel(QtGui.QGroupBox): """ A panel that displays and allows to edit variables for a given subject. The context menu of the panel allows the user to select variables and to make some of them editable. In this case a *save changes* button will also be displayed. Pressing it will cause the changes to be written into the databases Args: parent (QObject) : Qt parent title (str) : Title for the widget initial_variable_idxs (list) : List of variable indices to display at start initial_subject : Id of the initial subject whose variable values will be displayed app : Optional, an application with the ``save_screenshot`` and ``get_state_dict`` method. In this case a scenario will be automatically created whenever a variable is first modified. sample (list) : list of subjects. This sample will be passed on to the variable select dialog deployed by the panel. """ def __init__(self, parent, title="Context", initial_variable_idxs=None, initial_subject=None, app=None, sample=None): super(ContextVariablesPanel, self).__init__(parent) if initial_variable_idxs is None or initial_subject is None: config = config_file.get_apps_config() if initial_variable_idxs is None: var_names = config.get_default_variables().values() initial_variable_idxs = [ braviz_tab_data.get_var_idx(v) for v in var_names] if initial_subject is None: initial_subject = config.get_default_subject() self.setTitle(title) self.setToolTip( "Right click to select context variables, and to make them editable") self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.layout) = app self.sample = sample if self.sample is None: self.sample = braviz_tab_data.get_subjects() self.layout.setContentsMargins(7, 2, 7, 2) self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_context_menu) size_policy = QtGui.QSizePolicy( QtGui.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Maximum) # size_policy.setHorizontalStretch(0) size_policy.setVerticalStretch(1) self.setSizePolicy(size_policy) # self.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(16777215, 56)) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu) self.setObjectName("context_frame") # self.setFrameStyle(self.NoFrame) # internal variables self.__context_variable_codes = None self.__context_variable_names = None self.__is_nominal = None self.__labels_dict = None self.__context_labels = None self.__values_widgets = None self.__internal_df = None self.__curent_subject = None self.__editables_dict = None self.__save_changes_button = None self.set_variables(initial_variable_idxs) if initial_subject is not None: self.set_subject(initial_subject)
[docs] def set_variables(self, variables, editables=None): """ Sets a new set of variables for the panel Args: variables (list) : List of variable indices editables (dict) : Dictionary mapping variable indices to booleans that indicate if a variable should be modifiable by the user """ self.__context_variable_codes = list(variables) self.__context_variable_names = dict( (idx, get_var_name(idx)) for idx in self.__context_variable_codes) self.__is_nominal = dict( (idx, is_variable_nominal(idx)) for idx in self.__context_variable_codes) self.__labels_dict = dict((idx, get_labels_dict(idx)) for idx in self.__context_variable_codes if self.__is_nominal[idx]) self.__internal_df = get_data_frame_by_index( self.__context_variable_codes) self.__values_widgets = [] if editables is None: self.__editables_dict = dict((idx, False) for idx in variables) else: assert frozenset(variables) == frozenset(editables.keys()) self.__editables_dict = editables self._reset_internal_widgets()
[docs] def get_variables(self): """ Get a list of current variable codes """ return self.__context_variable_codes
[docs] def get_editables(self): """ Get a list of tuples (var_code, editable) indicating which variables are editable """ return self.__editables_dict.items()
def _reset_internal_widgets(self): # clear layout self.__save_changes_button = None for i in xrange(self.layout.count() - 1, -1, -1): w = self.layout.takeAt(i) wgt = w.widget() if wgt is not None: wgt.deleteLater() self.__context_labels = [] self.__values_widgets = [] first = True any_editable = False for idx in self.__context_variable_codes: # add separator if not first: self.layout.addStretch() else: first = False # add label label = QtGui.QLabel("%s : " % self.__context_variable_names[idx]) label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.__context_labels.append(label) self.layout.addWidget(label) # add value if self.__editables_dict.get(idx) is True: value_widget = self._get_editable_widget(idx) any_editable = True else: value_widget = self._get_read_only_widget(idx) self.layout.addWidget(value_widget) self.__values_widgets.append(value_widget) if any_editable is True: self.__save_changes_button = QtGui.QPushButton("Save") self.__save_changes_button.setEnabled(False) self.__save_changes_button.clicked.connect( self._save_changes_into_db) self.layout.addWidget(self.__save_changes_button) return def _get_read_only_widget(self, idx): value_widget = QtGui.QLabel("XXXXXXX") value_widget.setFrameShape(QtGui.QFrame.Box) value_widget.setFrameShadow(QtGui.QFrame.Raised) # value_widget.setContentsMargins(7,7,7,7) value_widget.setMargin(7) value_widget.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(11) value_widget.setFont(font) value_widget.setTextInteractionFlags(QtCore.Qt.TextSelectableByMouse) value_widget.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.IBeamCursor) # calculate maximum width if is_variable_nominal(idx): lens = [(x, len(x)) for x in self.__labels_dict[idx].itervalues() if x is not None] if len(lens) == 0: longest = "<Unknown>" else: longest = max(lens, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] value_widget.setText(longest) longest_size = value_widget.sizeHint() value_widget.setFixedWidth(longest_size.width()) value_widget.setFixedHeight(longest_size.height()) else: max_value = get_maximum_value(idx) if max_value is None: max_value = 1000 value_widget.setText("%.2f" % max_value) longest_size = value_widget.sizeHint() value_widget.setFixedWidth(longest_size.width()) value_widget.setFixedHeight(longest_size.height()) return value_widget def _get_editable_widget(self, idx): if self.__is_nominal.get(idx) is True: value_widget = QtGui.QComboBox() for i, lbl in self.__labels_dict[idx].iteritems(): if not np.isnan(float(i)): value_widget.addItem(lbl, i) value_widget.insertSeparator(value_widget.count()) value_widget.addItem("<Unknown>", float("nan")) value_widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._enable_save_changes) else: value_widget = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox() minim, maxim = get_min_max_values(idx) value_widget.setMaximum(10 * maxim) value_widget.setMinimum(-10 * maxim) value_widget.setSingleStep((maxim - minim) / 20) value_widget.valueChanged.connect(self._enable_save_changes) font = QtGui.QFont() font.setPointSize(11) value_widget.setFont(font) return value_widget
[docs] def set_subject(self, subject_id): """ Set the current subject to which variable values are associated Args: subject_id : Subject id """ values = self.__internal_df.loc[int(subject_id)] for i, idx in enumerate(self.__context_variable_codes): try: value = values[self.__context_variable_names[idx]] except KeyError: value = float("nan") # print self.__context_variable_names[idx], value value_widget = self.__values_widgets[i] if self.__is_nominal[idx]: if isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QLabel): label = self.__labels_dict[idx].get(value, "?") if label is None: label = "?" value_widget.setText(label) elif isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QComboBox): label = self.__labels_dict[idx].get(value, "<Unknown>") index = value_widget.findText(label) value_widget.setCurrentIndex(index) else: if isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QLabel): value_widget.setText("%s" % value) elif isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox): value_widget.setValue(value) self.__curent_subject = subject_id if self.__save_changes_button is not None: self.__save_changes_button.setEnabled(False)
[docs] def create_context_menu(self, pos): """ Create a context menu which gives the user the option to open a dialog to select variables Args: pos : Position of event """ from braviz.interaction.qt_dialogs import ContextVariablesSelectDialog global_pos = self.mapToGlobal(pos) change_action = QtGui.QAction("Change Variables", None) menu = QtGui.QMenu() menu.addAction(change_action) def change_variables(*args): context_change_dialog = ContextVariablesSelectDialog(current_subject=self.__curent_subject, variables_list=self.__context_variable_codes, editables_dict=self.__editables_dict, sample=self.sample) context_change_dialog.exec_() self.set_variables( self.__context_variable_codes, self.__editables_dict) self.set_subject(self.__curent_subject) change_action.triggered.connect(change_variables) menu.addAction(change_action) menu.exec_(global_pos)
def _enable_save_changes(self, *args): if self.__save_changes_button is None: return self.__save_changes_button.setEnabled(True) def _save_changes_into_db(self): for i, idx in enumerate(self.__context_variable_codes): if self.__editables_dict[idx] is True: value_widget = self.__values_widgets[i] if isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox): value = float(value_widget.value()) elif isinstance(value_widget, QtGui.QComboBox): value = value_widget.itemData(value_widget.currentIndex()) value = value if np.isnan(float(value)): value = None else: value = int(value) # update value braviz_tab_data.update_variable_value( int(idx), self.__curent_subject, value) # update internal var_name = self.__context_variable_names[idx] self.__internal_df[var_name][ int(self.__curent_subject)] = value # check if scenarios exists for this variable if braviz_user_data.count_variable_scenarios(int(idx)) == 0 and is not None: # save scenario name = "<AUTO_%s>" % self.__context_variable_names[idx] desc = "Created automatically when saving values for variable %s" % self.__context_variable_names[ idx] data = app = data["meta"]["application"] scn_idx = braviz_user_data.save_scenario( app, name, desc, data) # link braviz_user_data.link_var_scenario(int(idx), scn_idx) # save screenshot self.__save_changes_button.setEnabled(0) # print idx_value_tuples
[docs] def set_sample(self, new_sample): """ Set the sample used in the variable selection dialogs Args: new_sample (list) : List of subject ids """ self.sample = list(new_sample)
class ImageComboBoxManager(QtCore.QObject): """ Reusable component for selecting images from a braviz reader """ image_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(tuple) def __init__(self, reader, show_none=False, show_fmri=True): super(ImageComboBoxManager, self).__init__() grey_images = sorted(n.upper() for n in reader.get("IMAGE", None, index=True)) label_maps = sorted(n.upper() for n in reader.get("LABEL", None, index=True)) dti = ["DTI", ] if show_fmri: fmri_pdgms = sorted(n.upper() for n in reader.get("FMRI", None, index=True)) else: fmri_pdgms = [] # check for collisions assert len(grey_images) + len(label_maps) + len(dti) + len(fmri_pdgms) == \ len(set(grey_images + label_maps + fmri_pdgms + dti)) all_images = [("IMAGE", n) for n in grey_images] + \ [("LABEL", n) for n in label_maps] + \ [("DTI", n) for n in dti] + \ [("FMRI", n) for n in fmri_pdgms] if show_none: all_images = [(None, "NONE")] + all_images self.available_images = all_images self.combo_box = None self.data_dict = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(all_images)} def setup(self, combo_box): combo_box.clear() for im_class, name in self.available_images: combo_box.addItem(name.title(), (im_class, name)) combo_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._handle_index_change) self.combo_box = combo_box def set_image(self, image_class, image_name): image_class = image_class.upper() if image_class is not None else None image_name = image_name.upper() index = self.data_dict[(image_class, image_name)] self.combo_box.setCurrentIndex(index) def _handle_index_change(self, index): new_class, new_name = self.combo_box.itemData(index) self.image_changed.emit((new_class, new_name)) @property def current_class(self): idx = self.combo_box.currentIndex() data = self.combo_box.itemData(idx) return data[0] @property def current_name(self): idx = self.combo_box.currentIndex() data = self.combo_box.itemData(idx) return data[1] @property def current_class_and_name(self): idx = self.combo_box.currentIndex() data = self.combo_box.itemData(idx) return data class ContrastComboManager(QtCore.QObject): """ Reusable component for selecting fMRI constrasts from a braviz reader """ contrast_changed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, reader): super(ContrastComboManager, self).__init__() self.valid_paradigms = reader.get("FMRI", None, index=True) self.__last_contrast = {} self.combo_box = None self.reader = reader self._contrast_dict = None self._index_dict = {} self._setting_up = False self._current_pdgm = None def setup(self, combo_box, initial_subject=None, initial_pdgm=None): combo_box.clear() combo_box.currentIndexChanged.connect(self._handle_index_change) self.combo_box = combo_box if initial_pdgm is not None and initial_subject is not None: self.change_paradigm(initial_subject, initial_pdgm) def change_paradigm(self, subject, pdgm): if self._current_pdgm == pdgm and self._contrast_dict is not None: # no update necessary return self._current_pdgm = pdgm self._setting_up = True if pdgm is not None: pdgm = pdgm.upper() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if pdgm not in self.valid_paradigms: self.combo_box.clear() self.combo_box.setEnabled(False) self._setting_up = False return try: contrast_dict = self.reader.get("FMRI", subject, name=pdgm, contrasts_dict=True) except Exception: log.warning("Couldn't get contrast dict") contrast_dict = None self._contrast_dict = contrast_dict self._index_dict = {} if contrast_dict is None: self.combo_box.setEnabled(False) else: items = sorted(contrast_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) self.combo_box.clear() for i, (k, n) in enumerate(items): self.combo_box.addItem(n, k) self._index_dict[i] = k last_contrast = self.__last_contrast.get(pdgm) if last_contrast is not None: idx = self.combo_box.findData(last_contrast) self.combo_box.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.combo_box.setEnabled(True) self._setting_up = False def set_contrast(self, contrast): idx = self._index_dict.get(contrast) if idx is None: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.warning("Contrast not currently in box") return self.combo_box.setCurrentIndex(idx) def get_previous_contrast(self, pdgm): return self.__last_contrast.get(pdgm, 1) def _handle_index_change(self, index): if self._setting_up: return contrast_n = self.combo_box.itemData(index) self.__last_contrast[self._current_pdgm] = contrast_n self.contrast_changed.emit(contrast_n) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QtGui.QApplication([]) context = ContextVariablesPanel(None) app.exec_()