Source code for braviz.interaction.r_functions

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import print_function
from collections import defaultdict

__author__ = 'Diego'

import logging
from itertools import izip

import pandas as pd
from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri
import rpy2.rinterface
from rpy2 import robjects
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
import numpy as np

import braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data as braviz_tab_data

# arm
# car
# randomForest

[docs]def import_or_error(lib_name): """ Tries to import an R package, if it is not found prints a message asking the user to install it and raises an exception Args: lib_name (str) : Name of an R package """ try: lib = importr(lib_name,robject_translations={"format_perc": "format_perc_2"}) except rpy2.rinterface.RRuntimeError: print("please install %s from R" % lib_name) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error("Couldn't load R package %s", lib_name) raise return lib
[docs]def calculate_ginni_index(outcome, data_frame, sample=None): """ Calculates Ginni impurity indices respect to an outcome variable `<>`_ Uses the RandomForest package Args: outcome (str) : Name of the outcome variable data_frame (pandas.DataFrame) : Data Frame with variable indices as index, this object will be modified sample (list) : Restrict the analysis to subjects in this sample Returns: The input *data_frame* with an additional column called ``Ginni`` that contains the requested indices. The value will be ``numpy.inf`` for the outcome variable, and 0 for variables where the index couldn't be calculated. """ # construct data frame is_nominal = braviz_tab_data.is_variable_name_nominal(outcome) outcome_idx = braviz_tab_data.get_var_idx(outcome) values_data_frame = braviz_tab_data.get_data_frame_by_index( data_frame.index, col_name_index=True) if sample is not None: values_data_frame = values_data_frame.loc[sample] # remove columns with many NaNs # df2=values_data_frame.dropna(1,thresh=40) n_rows, n_cols = values_data_frame.shape values_data_frame.dropna(1, thresh=n_rows//10, inplace=True) # df3=df2.dropna(0,thresh=200) values_data_frame.dropna(0, thresh=n_cols//10, inplace=True) # fill nas with other values # shuffle permutation = np.random.permutation(range(len(values_data_frame))) values_data_frame = values_data_frame.iloc[permutation] values_data_frame.fillna(method="pad", inplace=True) rev_perm = list(reversed(permutation)) values_data_frame = values_data_frame.iloc[rev_perm] values_data_frame.fillna(method="pad", inplace=True) # just in case there are still nas values_data_frame.dropna(0, inplace=True) values_data_frame.dropna(1, inplace=True) # create R data frame original_column_names = values_data_frame.columns # More R friendly column names values_data_frame.columns = [ "c%s" % i for i in xrange(len(values_data_frame.columns))] r_df = values_data_frame # if oucome is nominal transform into factor outcome_variable_index = original_column_names.get_loc(outcome_idx) r_environment = robjects.globalenv r_environment["r_df"] = r_df if is_nominal: robjects.r('r_df["c%d"] <- factor( r_df[["c%d"]])' % (outcome_variable_index, outcome_variable_index)) r_df = r_environment["r_df"] # for i,n in enumerate(original_column_names): # print "%d \t %s"%(i,n) # print r_df #import randomForest randomForest = import_or_error("randomForest") # use correct variable in formula form = robjects.Formula("c%d~." % outcome_variable_index) # robjects.r("table(complete.cases(r_df))") fit = randomForest.randomForest( form, data=r_df, replace=True, importance=True) # fit=robjects.r("randomForest.randomForest(c6~.,data=r_df,replace=True,importance=True)") imp = fit.rx2("importance") # if outcome is factor it is different # print imp interesting_column_index = 2 if is_nominal: interesting_column_index = len( set(values_data_frame["c%d" % outcome_variable_index])) + 2 # extract column vector imp_v = np.zeros(imp.nrow) for i in xrange(imp.nrow): imp_v[i] = imp.rx(i + 1, interesting_column_index)[0] # Remove target variable from original_names potential_regressors = list(original_column_names) potential_regressors.pop(outcome_variable_index) imp_data_frame = pd.DataFrame(imp_v, index=potential_regressors) # print imp_data_frame data_frame["Ginni"] = imp_data_frame data_frame.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace=True) data_frame.loc[outcome_idx,"Ginni"] = np.inf # print self.data_frame return data_frame
[docs]def calculate_anova(outcome, regressors_data_frame, interactions_dict, sample): """ Calculates an anova regression Uses the *car* package with type 3 sum of squares Args: outcome (str) : Name of outcome variable regressors_data_frame (pandas.DataFrame) : A DataFrame with three columns regressor name, degrees of freedom, and interaction. The last column should have zeros for single variable regressors and 1 for interaction terms. see :meth:`braviz.interaction.qt_models.AnovaRegressorsModel.get_data_frame` interactions_dict (dict) : Dictionary mapping indices of interaction terms (in the previous DataFrame) to the indices of its factors. sample (list) : List of subject ids considered during the calculation Returns: ``(output_df, residuals, intercept, fitted)`` where *output_df* is a DataFrame containing 5 columns: Factor name, sum of squares, degrees of freedom, F statistic and P value, it includes an *(intercept)* term. *Residuals*, *intercept* and *fitted* are parameters of the regression. See :class:`braviz.interaction.qt_models.AnovaResultsModel` """ # is outcome nominal? is_nominal = braviz_tab_data.is_variable_name_nominal(outcome) # is outcome binary? is_binary = False if is_nominal: # res=conn.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM nom_meta NATURAL JOIN variables WHERE var_name = ?",(outcome,)) # if res.fetchone()[0]==2: # is_binary=True # else: # is_binary=False log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error( "Logistic and multinomial ANOVA not yet implemented, choose a real outcome") raise Exception( "Logistic and multinomial ANOVA not yet implemented, choose a real outcome") # are regressors nominal? factors_nominal = dict() var_names = regressors_data_frame[ regressors_data_frame["Interaction"] == 0]["variable"].tolist() for var in var_names: factors_nominal[var] = braviz_tab_data.is_variable_name_nominal(var) # print factors_nominal # construct pandas data frame var_names.append(outcome) pandas_df = braviz_tab_data.get_data_frame_by_name(var_names) pandas_df = pandas_df.loc[sample] # print pandas_df # construct r data frame new_names = ["r%d" % i for i in xrange(len(var_names))] new_names[-1] = "o" pandas_df.columns = new_names r_df = pandas_df # print r_df # reformat r_df r_environment = robjects.globalenv r_environment["r_df"] = r_df for i, var in enumerate(var_names): if factors_nominal.get(var, False): robjects.r('r_df["r%d"] <- factor( r_df[["r%d"]])' % (i, i)) r_df = r_environment["r_df"] # print r_df # construct formula regressors = new_names[:-1] interactions = [] # print interactions_dict for products in interactions_dict.itervalues(): factors = [] for f in products: f_name = regressors_data_frame["variable"][f] f_index = var_names.index(f_name) f_new_name = new_names[f_index] factors.append(f_new_name) interactions.append("*".join(factors)) regressors.extend(interactions) formula_str = "o~" + "+".join(regressors) # print formula_str form = robjects.Formula(formula_str) # construct constrasts list stats = import_or_error("stats") contrasts_dict = {} for i, var in enumerate(var_names[:-1]): if factors_nominal[var]: k = "r%d" % i contrasts_dict[k] = stats.contr_sum # run anova car = import_or_error("car") if len(contrasts_dict) > 0: contrasts_list = robjects.ListVector(contrasts_dict) model = stats.lm(form, data=r_df, contrasts=contrasts_list) else: model = stats.lm(form, data=r_df) intercept = model[0][0] residuals = np.array(model[1]) anova = car.Anova(model, type=3) fitted = np.array(model[4]) row_names = list(anova.rownames) column_names = list(anova.names) output_dict = dict((k, list(anova.rx(True, i + 1))) for i, k in enumerate(column_names)) # decode column_names def decode_colum_names(name): tokens = name.split(":") fs = [] for t in tokens: try: i = new_names.index(t) except ValueError: f = t else: f = var_names[i] fs.append(f) return ":".join(fs) decoded_names = map(decode_colum_names, row_names) output_df = pd.DataFrame(output_dict, index=decoded_names) # reorder to match r order output_df["Factor"] = output_df.index output_df = output_df[["Factor", "Sum Sq", "Df", "F value", "Pr(>F)"]] return output_df, residuals, intercept, fitted
[docs]def calculate_normalized_linear_regression(outcome, regressors_data_frame, interactions_dict, sample): """ Calculates a linear regression after normalizing variables It uses the arm package `standardize <>`_ Args: outcome (str) : Name of outcome variable regressors_data_frame (pandas.DataFrame) : A DataFrame with three columns regressor name, degrees of freedom, and interaction. The last column should have zeros for single variable regressors and 1 for interaction terms. see :meth:`braviz.interaction.qt_models.AnovaRegressorsModel.get_data_frame` interactions_dict (dict) : Dictionary mapping indices of interaction terms (in the previous DataFrame) to the indices of its factors. sample (list) : List of subject ids considered during the calculation Returns: A dictionary with the following fields - ``coefficients_df`` : A data frame with 7 columns: Slope, T statistc value, P value, standard error, 95% confidence interval, r_name (variable alias used inside r) and components (Name of variables that make up the term) - ``residuals`` : vector with regression residuals - ``fitted`` : vector of fitted values - ``adj_r2`` : Adjusted r square - ``f_pval`` : Regression fit p value - ``f_stats_val`` : Value of the regression F statistic - ``f_stat_df`` : Degrees of freedom from F stistics (nominator,denominatior) - ``data_points`` : Subject ids used in the calculation (after dropping nans) - ``standardized_model`` : DataFrame of standardized data - ``data`` : DataFrame used in the calculation (after dropping nans) - ``mean_sigma`` : mean and standard deviation from outcome - ``var_types`` : Dictionary with the type of each variable, options are "r" for real, "b" for binary, and "n" for nominal variables with more levels - ``dummy_levels`` : The text labels for each level of dummy variables (except the base level) see `Fitting & Interpreting Linear Models in R <>`_ for more details on the interpretation of the output """ if not braviz_tab_data.is_variable_name_real(outcome): raise NotImplementedError( "Logistic regression not yet implemented, please select a rational outcome") log=logging.getLogger(__name__) regressor_names = regressors_data_frame[ regressors_data_frame["Interaction"] == 0]["variable"].tolist() all_variables = [outcome] + regressor_names data_frame = braviz_tab_data.get_data_frame_by_name(all_variables) data_frame = data_frame.loc[sample].copy() data_frame.dropna(inplace=True) # we have to classify variables in real, binary, and other nominals var_type = dict() for var in regressor_names: if braviz_tab_data.is_variable_name_real(var): var_type[var] = 'r' else: # is it binary? levels = len(np.unique(data_frame[var])) if levels == 2: var_type[var] = 'b' else: var_type[var] = 'n' # for binary and real variables we need the mean, for real variables we also need the std_dev to de-standardize # for binary and nominal variables we need the labels dict mean_sigma = dict() labels_dicts = dict() for var, t in var_type.iteritems(): if t == "r": m = np.mean(data_frame[var]) std = np.std(data_frame[var]) mean_sigma[var] = (m, std) elif t == "b": m = np.mean(data_frame[var]) # we are going to use center in arm.standardize: # "center" (rescale so that the mean of the data is 0 and the difference between the two categories is 1), # in the real case we divide by 2$\sigma$, so the final sd is 0.5 std = np.max(data_frame[var]) - np.min(data_frame[var]) mean_sigma[var] = (m, std) labels = braviz_tab_data.get_labels_dict_by_name(var) labels_dicts[var] = labels elif t == "n": labels = braviz_tab_data.get_labels_dict_by_name(var) labels_dicts[var] = labels else: assert False mean_sigma[outcome] = ( np.mean(data_frame[outcome]), np.std(data_frame[outcome])) # variable names can be strange (unicode) ... we are going to change them # to more abstract names like in anova standard_var_names = ["var_%d_R" % i for i in xrange(len(all_variables))] # now create a data frame with the new names data_frame_std = data_frame.copy() assert np.all(data_frame_std.columns == all_variables) data_frame_std.columns = standard_var_names # now we are ready to go into the R world r_data_frame = data_frame_std # create factor variables r_environment = robjects.globalenv r_environment["r_df"] = r_data_frame for var, s_name in izip(all_variables, standard_var_names): t = var_type.get(var, "r") if t != "r": robjects.r('r_df["%s"] <- factor( r_df[["%s"]])' % (s_name, s_name)) r_data_frame = r_environment["r_df"] # construct the formula coefficients = standard_var_names for products in interactions_dict.itervalues(): factors = [] for f in products: f_name = regressors_data_frame["variable"][f] f_index = all_variables.index(f_name) std_name = standard_var_names[f_index] factors.append(std_name) coefficients.append("*".join(factors)) formula_str = "var_0_R ~ " + "+".join(coefficients[1:]) # calculate the linear model robjects.r("r_lm <- lm(%s,data=r_df)" % formula_str) # standardize robjects.r("library('arm')") robjects.r("s_lm_r <- standardize(r_lm,standardize.y=T)") standardized_model = r_environment["s_lm_r"] robjects.r("sum_r <- summary(s_lm_r)") fit_summary = r_environment["sum_r"] robjects.r( "f_pval_r <- pf(sum_r$fstatistic[1],sum_r$fstatistic[2],sum_r$fstatistic[3],lower.tail=FALSE)") robjects.r("lm_ci_r <- confint(s_lm_r)") conf_intervals = r_environment["lm_ci_r"] ses_r = fit_summary.rx2("coefficients").rx(True, 2) cof_t_r = fit_summary.rx2("coefficients").rx(True, 3) cof_p_r = fit_summary.rx2("coefficients").rx(True, 4) conf_95_std = dict((k, (l, h)) for k, l, h in izip(conf_intervals.rx( True, 1).names, conf_intervals.rx(True, 1), conf_intervals.rx(True, 2))) # now we have to extract the results r_coeffs = standardized_model.rx2("coefficients") coef_dict_std = dict(izip(r_coeffs.names, r_coeffs)) std_errors_std = dict(izip(ses_r.names, ses_r)) t_stats_std = dict(izip(cof_t_r.names, cof_t_r)) coefs_p_std = dict(izip(cof_p_r.names, cof_p_r)) residuals = list(standardized_model.rx2("residuals")) std_model = standardized_model.rx2("model") fitted = list(standardized_model.rx2("fitted.values")) intercept = "(Intercept)" std_names2orig_names_labels = dict() orig_names_labels2orig_vars = dict() dummy_vars_levels = defaultdict(dict) for std_name in coef_dict_std.iterkeys(): if std_name == intercept: # handle special case std_names2orig_names_labels[std_name] = std_name continue if ":" in std_name: # interactions factors = std_name.split(":") else: factors = [std_name] orig_factors_levels = [] orig_factors = [] for f in factors: dummy_level = None if f[1] == ".": if f[0] == "c": # sentinel value #dummy_level = -1 pass f = f[2:] if f[-1] != "R": r_pos = f.rfind("R") dummy_level = f[r_pos + 1:] f = f[:r_pos + 1] index = standard_var_names.index(f) orig_name = all_variables[index] if dummy_level is not None: # sentinel from above if dummy_level == -1: ls = labels_dicts[orig_name].items() ls.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) lst = tuple(l[1] for l in ls) label = "%s-%s" % lst else: label = labels_dicts[orig_name][int(dummy_level)] dummy_vars_levels[orig_name][label] = int(dummy_level) orig_name_label = orig_name + "_%s" % label else: orig_name_label = orig_name[:] orig_factors_levels.append(orig_name_label) orig_factors.append(orig_name) if len(orig_factors_levels) == 1: orig_name_flat = orig_factors_levels[0] # coef_dicts[orig_factors[0]]=val else: orig_name_flat = "*".join(sorted(orig_factors_levels)) # coef_dicts[frozenset(orig_factors)]=val std_names2orig_names_labels[std_name] = orig_name_flat orig_names_labels2orig_vars[orig_name_flat] = tuple(orig_factors) coef_dicts = dict( (std_names2orig_names_labels[k], v) for k, v in coef_dict_std.iteritems()) std_errors = dict( (std_names2orig_names_labels[k], v) for k, v in std_errors_std.iteritems()) coef_t = dict( (std_names2orig_names_labels[k], v) for k, v in t_stats_std.iteritems()) coef_p = dict( (std_names2orig_names_labels[k], v) for k, v in coefs_p_std.iteritems()) conf_95 = dict( (std_names2orig_names_labels[k], v) for k, v in conf_95_std.iteritems()) r_names = dict((v, k) for k, v in std_names2orig_names_labels.iteritems()) # combine all this into a data frame coefs_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.Series(coef_dicts, name="Slope")) coefs_df["T Value"] = pd.Series(coef_t) coefs_df["P Value"] = pd.Series(coef_p) coefs_df["Std_error"] = pd.Series(std_errors) coefs_df["CI_95"] = pd.Series(conf_95) coefs_df["r_name"] = pd.Series(r_names) coefs_df["components"] = pd.Series(orig_names_labels2orig_vars) = "Coefficient" # print coefs_df # translate columns to standard names std_names2orig_names = dict() for var, r_var in izip(all_variables, standard_var_names): t = var_type.get(var, "r") if t == "r": std_names2orig_names["z." + r_var] = var elif t == "b": std_names2orig_names["c." + r_var] = var elif t == "n": std_names2orig_names[r_var] = var else: pass assert False std_model = pandas2ri.ri2py(std_model) std_model.columns = [std_names2orig_names[c] for c in std_model.columns] std_model.index = data_frame.index adjusted_r_squared = fit_summary.rx2("adj.r.squared")[0] fit_p_val = r_environment["f_pval_r"][0] f_statistic = fit_summary.rx2("fstatistic").rx2("value")[0] f_statistic_nom_df = fit_summary.rx2("fstatistic").rx2("numdf")[0] f_statistic_denom_df = fit_summary.rx2("fstatistic").rx2("dendf")[0] out_dict = { "coefficients_df": coefs_df, "residuals": residuals, "fitted": fitted, "adj_r2": adjusted_r_squared, "f_pval": fit_p_val, "f_stats_val": f_statistic, "f_stat_df": (int(f_statistic_nom_df), int(f_statistic_denom_df)), "data_points": list(data_frame.index), "standardized_model": std_model, "data": data_frame, "mean_sigma": mean_sigma, "var_types": var_type, "dummy_levels": dummy_vars_levels, } log = logging.getLogger(__name__) return out_dict