Source code for braviz.interaction.roi

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import division

import vtk
import numpy as np
from vtk.numpy_interface import dataset_adapter as dsa

import nibabel as nib

import braviz
from braviz.readAndFilter import geom_db

__author__ = 'da.angulo39'

[docs]def export_roi(subject, roi_id, space, out_file, reader=None): """ Save an image from a roi into a file Args: subject : Subject id roi_id : ROI database id space (str) : Coordinate system for output image out_file (str) : Path for the output file reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) : Reader object used to read the data, if None, the one returned by :func:`braviz.readAndFilter.BravizAutoReader` will be used """ sphere_img, affine = generate_roi_image(subject, roi_id, space, reader) nib_image = nib.Nifti1Image(sphere_img, affine) nib_image.update_header() nib_image.to_filename(out_file)
[docs]def generate_roi_image(subject, roi_id, space, reader=None, out_format="nii"): """ Generates an image representation of an spherical ROI Args: subject : Subject id roi_id : ROI database id space (str) : Coordinate system for output image reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) : Reader object used to read the data, if None, the one returned by :func:`braviz.readAndFilter.BravizAutoReader` will be used format (str) : By default a numpy array, affine matrix pair is returned. If ``out_format="vtk"``, a vtkImageData object is returned Returns: A numpy array and a numpy affine transform by default. If ``out_format="vtk"`` a vtkImageData """ if reader is None: reader = braviz.readAndFilter.BravizAutoReader() r, x, y, z = geom_db.load_sphere(roi_id, subject) sphere_space = geom_db.get_roi_space(roi_id=roi_id) sphere_src = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere_src.SetRadius(r) sphere_src.SetPhiResolution(30) sphere_src.SetThetaResolution(30) sphere_src.SetCenter(x, y, z) sphere_src.Update() sphere_pd = sphere_src.GetOutput() sphere_world = reader.transform_points_to_space( sphere_pd, sphere_space, subject, inverse=True) sphere_out = reader.transform_points_to_space( sphere_world, space, subject, inverse=False) black_image = reader.get("MRI", subject, space=space, format="vtk") nimg = dsa.WrapDataObject(black_image) # zero the image zero_array = nimg.PointData['ImageScalars'].dot(0).astype(np.uint8) black_image.GetPointData().RemoveArray('ImageScalars') nimg.PointData.append(zero_array, 'ImageScalars') black_image.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars("ImageScalars") pol2sten = vtk.vtkPolyDataToImageStencil() pol2sten.SetInputData(sphere_out) pol2sten.SetOutputOrigin(black_image.GetOrigin()) pol2sten.SetOutputSpacing(black_image.GetSpacing()) pol2sten.SetOutputWholeExtent(black_image.GetExtent()) pol2sten.Update() imgstenc = vtk.vtkImageStencil() imgstenc.SetInputData(black_image) imgstenc.SetStencilConnection(pol2sten.GetOutputPort()) imgstenc.SetBackgroundValue(255) imgstenc.SetReverseStencil(True) imgstenc.Update() sphere_img = imgstenc.GetOutput() if out_format.lower() == "vtk": return sphere_img out_nimg = dsa.WrapDataObject(sphere_img) out_data = np.array(out_nimg.GetPointData()["ImageScalars"].reshape( sphere_img.GetDimensions(), order="F")) affine = np.eye(4) affine[0:3, 3] = sphere_img.GetOrigin() affine[0, 0], affine[1, 1], affine[2, 2] = sphere_img.GetSpacing() return out_data, affine
if __name__ == "__main__": from braviz.readAndFilter import images, config_file from braviz.visualization import simple_vtk import nibabel as nib subj = config_file.get_apps_config().get_default_subject() export_roi(subj, 1, "subject", "/home/diego/test.nii") nimg = nib.load("/home/diego/test.nii") vimg = images.nibNii2vtk(nimg) v = braviz.visualization.simple_vtk.SimpleVtkViewer() v.addImg(vimg) v.start()