Source code for braviz.readAndFilter.geom_db

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import division
from braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data import get_connection
import numpy as np
from import sql
from braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data import retry_write

__author__ = 'Diego'

    "sphere": 0,
    "line_sagital": 10,
    "line_coronal": 11,
    "line_axial": 12,
    "line_free": 13,

    0: "sphere",
    10: "line_sagital",
    11: "line_coronal",
    12: "line_axial",
    13: "line_free",

    "subject": 0,
    "talairach": 1,
    "dartel": 2,

    0: "subject",
    1: "talairach",
    2: "dartel",

[docs]def roi_name_exists(name): """ Check if a ROI with the given name exists Args: name (str) : ROI name Returns: ``True`` if a ROI with the given name exists in the database, ``False`` otherwise. """ con = get_connection() cur = con.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_name = ?", (name,)) n = cur.fetchone()[0] return n > 0
[docs]def create_roi(name, roi_type, coords, desc=""): """ Creates a new ROI Args: name (str) : ROI Name roi_type (str) : ROI type, current options are - sphere - line_sagital - line_coronal - line_axial - line_free coords (str) : coordinate system, options are - subject - talairach - dartel desc (str) : ROI description Returns: Id of ROI in the database """ con = get_connection() coords = coords.lower() coords_key = _COORDINATES_I[coords] roi_type_key = _ROI_TYPES_I[roi_type] q = "INSERT INTO geom_rois (roi_name,roi_type,roi_desc,roi_coords) VALUES(?,?,?,?)" cur = con.execute(q, (name, roi_type_key, desc, coords_key)) con.commit() return cur.lastrowid
[docs]def get_available_spheres_df(space=None): """ Get available spheres Args: space (str) : Optional, filter to only rois in a certain space Returns: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with columns for sphere id, and number of subjects with the ROI defined; indexed by name """ con = get_connection() if space is None: q = """ SELECT roi_name as name, roi_desc as description, num as quantity FROM geom_rois JOIN (SELECT sphere_id, count(*) as num FROM geom_spheres group by sphere_id UNION SELECT roi_id as sphere_id, 0 as num FROM geom_rois WHERE sphere_id not in (select sphere_id FROM geom_spheres) ) ON roi_id = sphere_id WHERE roi_type = 0 """ df = sql.read_sql(q, con, index_col="name") else: space_i = _COORDINATES_I[space.lower()] q = """ SELECT roi_name as name, roi_desc as description, num as quantity FROM geom_rois JOIN (SELECT sphere_id, count(*) as num FROM geom_spheres group by sphere_id UNION SELECT roi_id as sphere_id, 0 as num FROM geom_rois WHERE sphere_id not in (select sphere_id FROM geom_spheres) ) ON roi_id = sphere_id WHERE roi_type = 0 and roi_coords = ? """ df = sql.read_sql(q, con, index_col="name", params=(space_i,)) return df
[docs]def get_available_lines_df(): """ Get available lines Returns: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with columns for line id, and number of subjects with the ROI defined; indexed by name """ con = get_connection() q = """ SELECT roi_name as name, roi_desc as description, num as quantity FROM geom_rois JOIN (SELECT line_id, count(*) as num FROM geom_lines group by line_id UNION SELECT roi_id as line_id, 0 as num FROM geom_rois WHERE line_id not in (select line_id FROM geom_lines) ) ON roi_id = line_id WHERE roi_type >= 10 and roi_type < 20 """ df = sql.read_sql(q, con, index_col="name") return df
[docs]def get_roi_space(name=None, roi_id=None): """ Retrieve the coordinate systems of a ROI Only one of the two arguments is required, roi_id is preferred Args: name (str) : ROI name roi_id (int) : ROI id Returns: coordinate system as a string, see :func:`create_roi` for options """ con = get_connection() if roi_id is None: q = "SELECT roi_coords FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_name = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (name,)) idx = cur.fetchone()[0] else: q = "SELECT roi_coords FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_id = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (roi_id,)) idx = cur.fetchone()[0] return _COORDINATES[idx]
[docs]def get_roi_id(roi_name): """ Find the id of a ROI Args: roi_name (str) : ROI Name Returns: ROI id in the database """ con = get_connection() q = "SELECT roi_id FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_name = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (roi_name,)) idx = cur.fetchone()[0] return idx
[docs]def get_roi_name(roi_id): """ Find the name of a ROI Args: roi_id (int) : ROI id Returns: ROI name """ con = get_connection() q = "SELECT roi_name FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_id = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (roi_id,)) name = cur.fetchone()[0] return name
[docs]def get_roi_type(name=None, roi_id=None): """ Get the type of a ROI Only one of the two arguments is required, roi_id is preferred Args: name (str) : ROI name roi_id (int) : ROI id Returns: ROI type as a string, see :func:`create_roi` for options """ con = get_connection() if roi_id is None: q = "SELECT roi_type FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_name = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (name,)) roi_type_key = cur.fetchone()[0] else: q = "SELECT roi_type FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_id = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (roi_id,)) roi_type_key = cur.fetchone()[0] return _ROI_TYPES[roi_type_key]
[docs]def subjects_with_sphere(sphere_id): """ Get subjects who have a certain sphere defined Args: sphere_id (int) : ROI id Returns: A set of subjects with the sphere defined """ con = get_connection() q = "SELECT subject FROM geom_spheres WHERE sphere_id = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (sphere_id,)) rows = cur.fetchall() subjs = set(r[0] for r in rows) return subjs
[docs]def subjects_with_line(line_id): """ Get subjects who have a certain line defined Args: sphere_id (int) : ROI id Returns: A set of subjects with the line defined """ con = get_connection() q = "SELECT subject FROM geom_lines WHERE line_id = ?" cur = con.execute(q, (line_id,)) rows = cur.fetchall() subjs = set(r[0] for r in rows) return subjs
[docs]def save_sphere(sphere_id, subject, radius, center): """ Save a sphere for a given subject into the database Args: sphere_id (int) : ROI id subject : subject id radius (float) : sphere radius in mm. center (tuple) : The three coordinates for the sphere center in mm. """ x, y, z = center con = get_connection() q = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO geom_spheres VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)" con.execute(q, (sphere_id, subject, radius, x, y, z)) con.commit()
[docs]def load_sphere(sphere_id, subject): """ Loads a sphere for a subject Args: sphere_id (int) : ROI id subject : subject id Returns: ``(r,x,y,z)`` where ``r`` is the radius of the sphere and ``(x,y,z)`` is its center. """ q = "SELECT radius,ctr_x,ctr_y,ctr_z FROM geom_spheres WHERE sphere_id = ? and subject = ?" con = get_connection() cur = con.execute(q, (int(sphere_id), int(subject))) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_all_spheres(sphere_id): """ Get a DataFrame of all the subjects spheres with a given id Args: sphere_id (int) : ROI id Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with columns for radius, center x, center y and center z; indexed by subject """ q = "SELECT subject,radius,ctr_x,ctr_y,ctr_z FROM geom_spheres WHERE sphere_id = ?" con = get_connection() df = sql.read_sql(q, con, index_col="subject", params=(sphere_id,)) return df
[docs]def recursive_delete_roi(roi_id): """ Removes a ROI from the database, including all its values. .. warning:: This may delete large amounts of information and can't be reversed Args: roi_id (int) : ROI id """ con = get_connection() roi_type = get_roi_type(roi_id=roi_id) if roi_type == "sphere": q = "DELETE FROM geom_spheres WHERE sphere_id = ?" else: # it is a line q = "DELETE FROM geom_lines WHERE line_id = ?" q2 = "DELETE FROM geom_rois WHERE roi_id = ?" with con: con.execute(q,(roi_id,)) con.execute(q2,(roi_id,))
[docs]def save_line(line_id, subject, point1, point2): """ Save a line from a given subject into the database Args: line_id (int) : ROI id subject : subject id point1 (tuple) : coordinates (xo,yo,zo) of the line origin point2 (tuple) : coordinates (xf,yf,zf) of the line end """ p1 = np.array(point1) p2 = np.array(point2) length = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) q = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO geom_lines VALUES (?,?, ?,?,?, ?,?,?, ?)" con = get_connection() con.execute( q, (line_id, subject, p1[0], p1[1], p1[2], p2[0], p2[1], p2[2], length)) con.commit()
[docs]def load_line(line_id, subject): """ Retrieves a line for a given subject Args: line_id (int) : ROI id subject : subject id Returns ``(xo,yo,zo,xf,yf,zf)`` where ``(xo,yo,zo)`` is the line origin and ``(xf,yf,zf)`` is the end. """ q = "SELECT p1_x,p1_y,p1_z,p2_x,p2_y,p2_z FROM geom_lines WHERE line_id = ? and subject = ?" con = get_connection() cur = con.execute(q, (int(line_id), int(subject))) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def copy_spheres(orig_id, dest_id): """ Copies spheres from one ROI to another Copies the definitions of spheres for each subject from one ROI to another ROI Args: origi_id (int) : ROI id of the source spheres dest_id (int) : ROI id into which the spheres will be copied """ q = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO geom_spheres SELECT ? as sphere_id , subject, radius, ctr_x, ctr_y, ctr_z FROM geom_spheres WHERE sphere_id = ?""" con = get_connection() con.execute(q, (dest_id, orig_id)) con.commit()