Source code for braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data

# #############################################################################
#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import print_function
import sqlite3
from itertools import izip, repeat
import os
import threading
import logging
from functools import wraps
import random
import time

from import sql
import pandas as pd

import braviz
from braviz.utilities import remove_non_ascii, show_error
from braviz.readAndFilter.config_file import get_apps_config

__author__ = 'Diego'


_connections = dict()

def get_connection():
    Gets the sqlite3 connection object for this thread.

    Also initializes module variables LATERALITY, LEFT_HANDED and UBICAC
    global _connections

    thread_id = threading.current_thread()
    connection_obj = _connections.get(thread_id)
    if connection_obj is not None:
        return connection_obj

    data_root = braviz.readAndFilter.braviz_auto_dynamic_data_root()
    path = os.path.join(data_root, "braviz_data")
    db_name = os.path.join(path, "tabular_data.sqlite")
    if not os.path.isdir(data_root):
        show_error("Couldn't open database file\n%s" % path)
        raise IOError("Couldn't open database location:\n%s"%path)

    conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name,  detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)
    conn.execute("pragma busy_timeout=10000")
    _connections[thread_id] = conn
    if LATERALITY is None:
            _conf = get_apps_config()
            _lat_name, _left_labell = _conf.get_laterality()
            cur = conn.execute(
                "SELECT var_idx from variables where var_name = ?", (_lat_name,))
            res = cur.fetchone()
            LATERALITY = res[0]
            LEFT_HANDED = _left_labell
        except Exception as e:
    return conn

def retry_write(f):
    max_tries = 100
    wait = 10
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        success = False
        attempts = 0
        ans = None
        while (not success) and (attempts < max_tries):
                ans = f(*args, **kwargs)
            except sqlite3.OperationalError:
                attempts += 1
                log.warning("Could not write to db, attempt %d",attempts)
                success = True
        if not success:
            log.error("Error writing to database, max tries reached")
            raise sqlite3.OperationalError
        return ans
    return wrapped

[docs]def get_variables(mask=None): """ Gets available variables Args: mask (str) : If not None, limit answer to results whose name match the given mask (sql ``like`` syntax) Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with variable indexes as index, and a single column with variable names """ conn = get_connection() if mask is None: data = sql.read_sql( "SELECT var_idx, var_name from variables;", conn, index_col="var_idx") else: data = sql.read_sql("SELECT var_idx, var_name from variables WHERE var_name like ?;", conn, params=(mask,), index_col="var_idx") return data
def get_variables_and_type(mask=None): """ Gets available variables Args: mask (str) : If not None, limit answer to results whose name match the given mask (sql ``like`` syntax) Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with variable indexes as index, a column with variable names, and a with ``1`` for numerical values and ``0`` for nominal variables """ conn = get_connection() if mask is None: data = sql.read_sql( "SELECT var_idx, var_name, is_real from variables;", conn, index_col="var_idx") else: data = sql.read_sql("SELECT var_idx, var_name, is_real from variables WHERE var_name like ?;", conn, params=(mask,), index_col="var_idx") return data def _reset_connection(): """ Resests existing connection for this thread """ global _log_connections log = logging.getLogger(__name__) thread_id = threading.current_thread() connection_obj = _connections.get(thread_id) if connection_obj is None: return else: try: connection_obj.close() except Exception as e: log.exception(e) del _connections[thread_id]
[docs]def get_laterality(subj_id): """ Gets the laterality for a given subject Args: subj_id : The id of the subject Returns: "l" for a left handed subject, "r" otherwise """ conn = get_connection() subj_id = int(subj_id) cur = conn.execute( "SELECT value FROM var_values WHERE var_idx = ? and subject = ?", (LATERALITY, subj_id)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: raise Exception("Unknown laterality") if res[0] != LEFT_HANDED: return 'r' else: return 'l'
[docs]def get_data_frame_by_name(columns, ): """ A data frame containing one column for each variable name in columns Args: columns (list) : Variable names Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with subject ids as index and one column for each variable """ if isinstance(columns, basestring): columns = (columns,) conn = get_connection() data = sql.read_sql( "SELECT subject from SUBJECTS", conn, index_col="subject") for var in columns: # language=SQLite query = """SELECT subject, value FROM subjects NATURAL JOIN var_values WHERE var_idx = (SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?) """ col = sql.read_sql( query, conn, index_col="subject", params=(unicode(var),), coerce_float=True) data[var] = col.astype( return data
[docs]def get_data_frame_by_index(columns, col_name_index=False): """ A data frame containing one column for each variable index in columns Args: columns (list) : Variable indexes Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with subject ids as index and one column for each variable """ if not hasattr(columns, "__iter__"): columns = (columns,) conn = get_connection() data = sql.read_sql( "SELECT subject from SUBJECTS", conn, index_col="subject") col_names = [] for i in columns: name = conn.execute( "SELECT var_name FROM variables WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(i),)) name1 = name.fetchone() if name1 is not None: name = name1[0] col_names.append(name) else: col_names.append("Var_%d" % i) for var_idx, var_name in izip(columns, col_names): query = """SELECT subject, value FROM subjects NATURAL JOIN var_values WHERE var_idx = ? """ col = sql.read_sql( query, conn, index_col="subject", params=(int(var_idx),), coerce_float=True) if col_name_index is True: data[var_idx] = col.astype( else: data[var_name] = col.astype( return data
[docs]def is_variable_real(var_idx): """ Find if the variable is real or nominal Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: ``False`` if the variable is Nominal, ``True`` otherwise """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT is_real FROM variables WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: return True return False if res[0] == 0 else True
[docs]def does_variable_name_exists(var_name): """ Find if the a variable with the given name exists in the database Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: ``True`` if a variable with the given name exists, ``False`` otherwise """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT count(*) FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?", (var_name,)) return False if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0 else True
[docs]def is_variable_nominal(var_idx): """ Find if the variable is real or nominal Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: ``True`` if the variable is Nominal, ``False`` otherwise """ return not is_variable_real(var_idx)
[docs]def is_variable_name_real(var_name): """ Find if the variable is real or nominal Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: ``False`` if the variable is Nominal, ``True`` otherwise """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT is_real FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?", (unicode(var_name),)) return False if cur.fetchone()[0] == 0 else True
[docs]def is_variable_name_nominal(var_name): """ Find if the variable is real or nominal Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Return: ``True`` if the variable is Nominal, ``False`` otherwise """ return not is_variable_name_real(var_name)
[docs]def are_variables_real(var_idxs): """ For each variable in a list, find if it is real Args: var_idxs (list) : variable indexes Returns: A dictionary with variable indexes as keys, and booleans as values as in :func:`~.is_variable_real` """ return dict((idx, is_variable_real(idx)) for idx in var_idxs)
[docs]def are_variables_nominal(var_idxs): """ For each variable in a list, find if it is real Args: var_idxs (list) : variable indexes Returns: A dictionary with variable indexes as keys, and booleans as values as in :func:`~.is_variable_nominal` """ return dict((idx, not is_variable_real(idx)) for idx in var_idxs)
[docs]def are_variables_names_real(var_names): """ For each variable in a list, find if it is real Args: var_names (list) : variable names Returns: A dictionary with variable names as keys, and booleans as values as in :func:`~.is_variable_name_real` """ return dict((name, is_variable_name_real(name)) for name in var_names)
[docs]def are_variables_names_nominal(var_names): """ For each variable in a list, find if it is real Args: var_names (list) : variable names Returns: A dictionary with variable names as keys, and booleans as values as in :func:`~.is_variable_name_nominal` """ return dict((name, not is_variable_name_nominal(name)) for name in var_names)
[docs]def get_labels_dict(var_idx=None, var_name=None): """ Map numerical labels to strings in nominal variables Args: var_idx (int) : Variable Index Returns: A dictionary with numerical labels as keys, and the text for each label as values. """ if var_idx is None : if var_name is None: raise Exception("var_idx or var_name is required") var_idx = get_var_idx(var_name) conn = get_connection() q = """ SELECT label2, name from ( SELECT distinct value as label2, var_idx as var_idx2 FROM var_values WHERE var_idx = ? ) left outer join nom_meta ON (nom_meta.label = label2 and var_idx2 = nom_meta.var_idx) UNION SELECT label as label2, name FROM nom_meta WHERE var_idx = ? ORDER BY label2 """ cur = conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx), int(var_idx),)) ans_dict = dict(cur) return ans_dict
[docs]def get_labels_dict_by_name(var_name): """ Map numerical labels to strings in nominal variables Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: A dictionary with numerical labels as keys, and the text for each label as values. """ conn = get_connection() q = """ SELECT label2, name from ( SELECT distinct value as label2, variables.var_idx as var_idx2 FROM variables natural join var_values WHERE variables.var_name = ? ) left outer join nom_meta ON (nom_meta.label = label2 and var_idx2 = nom_meta.var_idx) UNION SELECT label as label2, name FROM nom_meta WHERE var_idx = (select var_idx from variables WHERE var_name = ?) ORDER BY label2 """ cur = conn.execute(q, (unicode(var_name), unicode(var_name))) ans_dict = dict(cur.fetchall()) return ans_dict
[docs]def get_var_name(var_idx): """ Name of variable with given index Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: Variable name if it exists, ``"?"`` otherwise """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT var_name FROM variables WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(var_idx),)) ans = cur.fetchone() if ans is None: return "?" return ans[0]
[docs]def get_var_idx(var_name): """ Index of variable with given name Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: Index of variable with the given name if it exists, ``None`` otherwise """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?", (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: return None return res[0]
[docs]def get_maximum_value(var_idx): """ Gets the maximum value for a real variable as recorded in meta-data If there is no metadata, it is calculated from the existing values Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: Maximum values as recorded in the metadata, if there is no metadata, maximum from existing values. """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT max_val FROM ratio_meta WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: q = """select MAX(value) from (select * from var_values where value != "nan") where var_idx = ? group by var_idx""" cur = conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_minimum_value(var_idx): """ Gets the minimum value for a real variable as recorded in meta-data If there is no metadata, it is calculated from the existing values Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: Minimum values as recorded in the metadata, if there is no metadata, minimum from existing values. """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT min_val FROM ratio_meta WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: q = """select Min(value) from (select * from var_values where value != "nan") where var_idx = ? group by var_idx""" cur = conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_min_max_values(var_idx): """ Gets the minimum and maximum values for a real variable as recorded in meta-data If there is no metadata, they are calculated from the existing values Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: ``(min_val, max_val)`` values as recorded in the metadata, if there is no metadata, they are calculated from existing values """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute( "SELECT min_val, max_val FROM ratio_meta WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: q = """select MIN(value), MAX(value) from (select * from var_values where value != "nan") where var_idx = ? group by var_idx""" cur = conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_min_max_values_by_name(var_name): """ Gets the minimum and maximum values for a real variable as recorded in meta-data If there is no metadata, they are calculated from the existing values Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: ``(min_val, max_val)`` values as recorded in the metadata, if there is no metadata, they are calculated from existing values """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute("SELECT min_val, max_val FROM ratio_meta NATURAL JOIN variables WHERE var_name = ?", (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: q = """select MIN(value), MAX(value) from (select * from var_values where value != "nan") where var_idx = (SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?) group by var_idx""" cur = conn.execute(q, (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_min_max_opt_values_by_name(var_name): """ Gets the minimum, maximum and optimal values for a real variable as recorded in meta-data If there is no metadata, they are calculated from the existing values Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: ``(min_val, max_val, optimum_val)`` values as recorded in the metadata, if there is no metadata, they are calculated from existing values. In this case the optimum will be the mean of existing values. """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute("SELECT min_val, max_val, optimum_val FROM ratio_meta NATURAL JOIN variables WHERE var_name = ?", (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: q = """select MIN(value), MAX(value), AVG(VALUE) from (select * from var_values where value != "nan") where var_idx = (SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?) group by var_idx""" cur = conn.execute(q, (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() return res
[docs]def get_subject_variables(subj_code, var_codes): """ Get several values for one subjects Args: subj_code : Subject id var_codes (list) : Variable codes Returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with two columns: Variable name, and variable value; for each index in var_codes, which will be used as indexes in the DataFrame. """ conn = get_connection() names = [] values = [] for idx in var_codes: cur = conn.execute( "SELECT var_name, is_real FROM variables WHERE var_idx = ?", (int(idx),)) ans = cur.fetchone() if ans is None: var_name, is_real = "<Unexistent>", 1 else: var_name, is_real = ans if subj_code is None: value = "Nan" elif (is_real is None) or (is_real > 0): cur = conn.execute("SELECT value FROM var_values WHERE var_idx = ? and subject = ?", (int(idx), int(subj_code))) ans = cur.fetchone() if ans is None or ans[0] is None: value = float("nan") else: value = ans[0] else: q = """SELECT name FROM var_values NATURAL JOIN nom_meta WHERE subject = ? and var_idx = ? and var_values.value == nom_meta.label""" cur = conn.execute(q, (int(subj_code), int(idx))) ans = cur.fetchone() if ans is None: value = "?" else: value = ans[0] names.append(var_name) values.append(value) output = pd.DataFrame({"name": names, "value": values}, index=var_codes) return output
[docs]def get_subjects(): """ Get a list subjects which exist in the database """ conn = get_connection() cur = conn.execute("SELECT subject FROM subjects ORDER BY subject") subj_list = [t[0] for t in cur.fetchall()] return subj_list
[docs]def get_var_description(var_idx): """ Get description for a variable Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: A string containing the description of the variable. """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT description FROM var_descriptions WHERE var_idx = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: return "" return res[0]
def get_descriptions_dict(): """ Get a dictionary with the descriptions of all variables Returns: A dictionary with variable indices as keys and description strings as values """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT var_idx, description FROM var_descriptions" cur = conn.execute(q) res = dict(cur.fetchall()) return res
[docs]def get_var_description_by_name(var_name): """ Get description for a variable Args: var_name (str) : Variable name Returns: A string containing the description of the variable. """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT description FROM var_descriptions NATURAL JOIN variables WHERE var_name = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (unicode(var_name),)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: return "" return res[0]
[docs]def save_is_real_by_name(var_name, is_real): """ Update variable type in the metadata Args: var_name (str) : Variable name is_real (bool) : If True the variable will be registered as real, otherwise it will be registered as nominal. """ conn = get_connection() with conn: query = "UPDATE variables SET is_real = ? WHERE var_name = ?" conn.execute(query, (is_real, unicode(var_name)))
[docs]def save_is_real(var_idx, is_real): """ Update variable type in the metadata Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index is_real (bool) : If True the variable will be registered as real, otherwise it will be registered as nominal. """ conn = get_connection() with conn: query = "UPDATE variables SET is_real = ? WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(query, (is_real, int(var_idx)))
[docs]def save_real_meta_by_name(var_name, min_value, max_value, opt_value): """ Update real variables' meta data Args: var_name (str) : Variable name min_value (float) : Variables minimum value man_value (float) : Variables maximum value opt_value (float) : Variables optimum value """ conn = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ratio_meta VALUES( (SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?), ? , ? , ? ); """ try: conn.execute(query, (var_name, min_value, max_value, opt_value) ) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass else: conn.commit()
[docs]def save_real_meta(var_idx, min_value, max_value, opt_value): """ Update real variables' meta data Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index min_value (float) : Variables minimum value man_value (float) : Variables maximum value opt_value (float) : Variables optimum value """ conn = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ratio_meta VALUES(?, ? , ? , ? ); """ try: conn.execute(query, (var_idx, min_value, max_value, opt_value) ) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass else: conn.commit()
[docs]def save_nominal_labels_by_name(var_name, label_name_tuples): """ Update nominal variable labels Args: var_name (str) : Variable name label_name_tuples (list) : List of tuples, the first component of each tuple is the numeric label, and the second component its meaning. For example ``(1, "male")`` """ mega_tuple = ((var_name, label, name) for label, name in label_name_tuples) con = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO nom_meta VALUES ( (SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?), ?, -- label ? -- name ); """ con.executemany(query, mega_tuple) con.commit()
[docs]def save_nominal_labels(var_idx, label_name_tuples): """ Update nominal variable labels Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index label_name_tuples (list) : List of tuples, the first component of each tuple is the numeric label, and the second component its meaning. For example ``(1, "male")`` """ mega_tuple = ((var_idx, label, name) for label, name in label_name_tuples) con = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO nom_meta VALUES ( ?, --idx ?, -- label ? -- name ); """ con.executemany(query, mega_tuple) con.commit()
[docs]def save_var_description_by_name(var_name, description): """ Save or overwrite description for a variable Args: var_name (str) : Variable Name description (str) : Variable description """ conn = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_descriptions VALUES ((SELECT var_idx FROM variables WHERE var_name = ?), -- var_idx ?) -- desc """ conn.execute(query, (var_name, description,)) conn.commit()
[docs]def save_var_description(var_idx, description): """ Save or overwrite description for a variable Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index description (str) : Variable description """ conn = get_connection() query = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_descriptions VALUES (?, -- var_idx ?) -- desc""" conn.execute(query, (var_idx, description,)) conn.commit()
[docs]def register_new_variable(var_name, is_real=1): """ Adds a new variable to the database Args: var_name (str) : Name for the new variable, should be unique is_real (bool) : Type of the new variable, ``True`` if it is real, ``False`` if it is nominal Returns: Database index of the new variable """ var_name = unicode(var_name) conn = get_connection() try: with conn: if is_real: is_real = 1 else: is_real = 0 q = """INSERT INTO variables (var_name, is_real) Values (? , ?)""" cur = conn.execute(q, (var_name, is_real)) row_id = cur.lastrowid return row_id except sqlite3.IntegrityError: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.warning("Couldn't create new variable") return None
[docs]def update_variable_values(var_idx, tuples): """ Updates values for one variable and some subjects Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index tuples (list) : Tuples of the form ``(subject,value)`` where subject is the subject id, and value is the new value for the variable. """ conn = get_connection() super_tuples = ((var_idx, s, v) for s, v in tuples) q = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_values VALUES (? ,?, ?)""" conn.executemany(q, super_tuples) conn.commit()
[docs]def update_multiple_variable_values(idx_subject_value_tuples): """ Updates values for variables and subjects Args: idx_subject_value_tuples (list) : Tuples of the form ``(var_idx, subject, value)`` where var_idx and subject are the variable and subject for whom the new value will be set. """ conn = get_connection() q = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_values VALUES (? ,?, ?)""" conn.executemany(q, idx_subject_value_tuples) conn.commit()
[docs]def update_variable_value(var_idx, subject, new_value): """ Updates a single value for a variable and a subject Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index subject : Subject id new_value : Value to be saved """ conn = get_connection() q = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_values VALUES (? ,?, ?)""" conn.execute(q, (int(var_idx), int(subject), new_value)) conn.commit()
[docs]def get_var_value(var_idx, subject): """ Gets a single variable value Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index subject : Subject id Returns: The numerical value for the given variable and subject """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT value FROM var_values WHERE var_idx = ? and subject = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (var_idx, subject)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error("%s not found for subject %s" % (var_idx, subject)) raise Exception("%s not found for subject %s" % (var_idx, subject)) return res[0]
[docs]def get_variable_normal_range(var_idx): """ Get the range of a given variable for the reference population Args: var_idx : Variable index Returns: ``(min_val, max_val)`` calculated over the values the variable takes in the reference population. """ global UBICAC conn = get_connection() # minimum,maximum q = """SELECT min(var_values.value), max(cast( var_values.value as numeric)) from var_values JOIN var_values as var_values2 WHERE var_values.subject == var_values2.subject and var_values2.var_idx == ? and var_values2.value == ? and var_values.var_idx = ? and var_values.value notnull """ if UBICAC is None: conf = get_apps_config() var_name, label = conf.get_reference_population() u_var_idx = get_var_idx(var_name) UBICAC = (u_var_idx, label) c = conn.execute(q, (UBICAC[0], UBICAC[1], var_idx)) values = c.fetchone() if values is None: return float("nan"), float("nan") else: values = list(values) if values[0] is None: values[0] = float('nan') if values[1] is None: values[1] = float('nan') return values
def _float_or_nan(s): try: v = float(s) except ValueError: v = float("nan") return v @retry_write
[docs]def add_data_frame(df, callback=None): """ Inserts a whole dataframe into the database Args: df ( pandas.DataFrame ) : DataFrame with subject ids as index, and one column for each new variable. callback (func) : Called after each row with the index of the current column as argument, can be used for example to update a progress bar """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) conn = get_connection() columns = df.columns columns = map(remove_non_ascii, columns) df.columns = columns tot_cols = len(columns) subjs = df.index.get_values().astype(int) # check if there are new subjects with conn: q = "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO subjects VALUES(?)" conn.executemany(q, ((s,) for s in subjs)) for i, c in enumerate(columns): with conn:"%d / %d : %s" ,i + 1, tot_cols, c) if does_variable_name_exists(c): var_idx = get_var_idx(c) else: q1 = "INSERT INTO variables (var_name) VALUES (?)" cur = conn.execute(q1, (c,)) var_idx = cur.lastrowid col = df[c] try: vals = col.get_values().astype(float) except ValueError: vals = [_float_or_nan(s) for s in col.get_values()] q2 = """INSERT OR REPLACE INTO var_values (var_idx,subject,value) VALUES ( ?, ?,?)""" conn.executemany(q2, izip(repeat(var_idx), subjs, vals)) if callback is not None: callback(i)
[docs]def recursive_delete_variable(var_idx): """ Deletes a variable from all tables .. warning:: This may affect large amounts of information and can't be reversed Some references to the variable may remain in scenario data or outside the database. Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index """ conn = get_connection() try: with conn: # delete values q = "DELETE FROM var_values WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) # delete meta q1 = "DELETE FROM nom_meta WHERE var_idx = ?" q2 = "DELETE FROM ratio_meta WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(q1, (var_idx,)) conn.execute(q2, (var_idx,)) # delete description q = "DELETE FROM var_descriptions WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) # delete vars_scenarios q = "DELETE FROM vars_scenarios WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) # delete variable q = "DELETE FROM variables WHERE var_idx = ?" conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print(e.message) print("DataBase not modified") else: print("Done")
[docs]def recursive_delete_subject(subject): """ Deletes a subject from the database .. warning:: This may affect large amounts of information and can't be reversed Some references to the variable may remain in scenario data, subsamples or outside the database. There must not exist any geometrical structure (see :mod:`~braviz.readAndFilter.geom_db`) associated with the subject, if that is the case the operation will be aborted without modifying the database. Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index """ conn = get_connection() try: with conn: # delete values q = "DELETE FROM var_values WHERE subject = ?" conn.execute(q, (subject,)) # delete subject q = "DELETE FROM subjects WHERE subject = ?" conn.execute(q, (subject,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print(e.message) print("DataBase not modified") else: print("Done")
[docs]def initialize_database(path): """ Create a new braviz database Args: path (str) : Name of the new sqlite file that will contain the braviz database """ conn = sqlite3.connect(path) conn.close() from braviz.readAndFilter.check_db import verify_db_completeness verify_db_completeness(path)