Source code for braviz.readAndFilter.user_data

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import division, print_function

__author__ = 'Diego'

from import sql
import pandas as pd
import cPickle
import logging
import os
import braviz.readAndFilter
from braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data import get_connection
import sqlite3
import json
from braviz.interaction.connection import NpJSONEncoder
from braviz.readAndFilter.tabular_data import retry_write

[docs]def save_scenario(application, scenario_name, scenario_description, scenario_data): """ Save application state Args: application (str) : Name of application script (without extension) scenario_name (str) : Name for the scenario scenario_description (str) : Description for the scenario scenario_data (dict) : Appliation state Returns: The database id of the saved scenario. Use this to save the corresponding screen-shot """ assert isinstance(scenario_data,dict) scenario_data = json.dumps(scenario_data,cls=NpJSONEncoder) conn = get_connection() q = """INSERT OR ABORT INTO scenarios (app_idx,scn_name,scn_desc,scn_data) VALUES ( (SELECT app_idx FROM applications WHERE exec_name == ?), ?,?,?)""" cur = conn.execute( q, (application, scenario_name, scenario_description, scenario_data)) conn.commit() res = cur.lastrowid return res
[docs]def update_scenario(scenario_id, name=None, description=None, scenario_data=None, application=None): """ Update scenario information in the database Args: scenario_id (int) : Scenario id name (str) : Optional, new name for the scenario description (str) : Optional, new description for the scenario scenario_data (dict) : Optional, new application state dictionary application (str) : Optional, new application script name, without extension """ conn = get_connection() if name is not None: conn.execute( "UPDATE scenarios SET scn_name = ? WHERE scn_id = ?", (name, scenario_id)) if description is not None: conn.execute( "UPDATE scenarios SET scn_desc = ? WHERE scn_id = ?", (description, scenario_id)) if scenario_data is not None: scenario_data = buffer(cPickle.dumps(scenario_data)) conn.execute( "UPDATE scenarios SET scn_data = ? WHERE scn_id = ?", (scenario_data, scenario_id)) if application is not None: q = "UPDATE scenarios SET app_idx = (SELECT app_idx FROM applications WHERE exec_name == ?) WHERE scn_id = ?" conn.execute(q, (application, scenario_id)) conn.commit()
[docs]def get_scenarios_data_frame(app_name=None): """ Get available scenarios Args: app_name (str) : Optional, restrict list to a given application, it should be the base name of the application script Returns: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with columns for date, name and description. The index will be scenario indexes """ conn = get_connection() if app_name is None: q = "SELECT scn_id,datetime(scn_date,'localtime') as scn_date,scn_name,scn_desc FROM scenarios" data = sql.read_sql(q, conn, index_col="scn_id", coerce_float=False) else: q = """ SELECT scn_id, datetime(scn_date,'localtime') as scn_date ,scn_name,scn_desc FROM scenarios NATURAL JOIN applications WHERE exec_name = ? """ data = sql.read_sql( q, conn, index_col="scn_id", coerce_float=False, params=(app_name,)) data["scn_date"] = pd.to_datetime( data["scn_date"], format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return data
def _get_scenario_data(scn_id): conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT scn_data FROM scenarios WHERE scn_id = ?" res = conn.execute(q, (scn_id,)) res = res.fetchone() if res is None: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error("scenario not found") raise Exception("scenario not found") return res[0]
[docs]def get_scenario_data_dict(scn_id): """ Get application state dict from the database Args: scn_id (int) : Scenario id Returns: Dictionary with application state """ res = _get_scenario_data(scn_id) try: scn_dict = json.loads(unicode(res)) except TypeError as e: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning("scenario in old format") scn_dict = cPickle.loads(str(res)) return scn_dict
[docs]def get_variable_scenarios(var_idx): """ Get scenarios linked to a variable Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: A dictionary whose keys are scenario ids and values are scenario_names for scenarios linked to the given variable """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT scn_id,scn_name FROM scenarios NATURAL JOIN vars_scenarios WHERE var_idx = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) return dict(cur.fetchall())
[docs]def count_variable_scenarios(var_idx): """ Get the amount of scenarios linked to a given variable Args: var_idx (int) : Variable index Returns: The number of scenarios linked to the given variable """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT count(*) FROM vars_scenarios WHERE var_idx == ?;" cur = conn.execute(q, (var_idx,)) return cur.fetchone()[0]
[docs]def save_sub_sample(name, elements, description): """ Save a sub sample into the database Args: name (str) : Name for the subsample elements (set) : Subjects in the subsample description (str) : Description of the subsample """ name = str(name) description = str(description) size = len(elements) str_data = cPickle.dumps(elements, 2) str_data = buffer(str_data) conn = get_connection() q = "INSERT INTO subj_samples (sample_name, sample_desc, sample_data, sample_size) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" conn.execute(q, (name, description, str_data, size)) conn.commit()
[docs]def get_comment(subj): """ Retrieve the comment about a subject Args: subj : Subject id Returns: A string with the comment about the subject """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT comment FROM subj_comments WHERE subject = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (subj,)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: return "" return res[0]
[docs]def update_comment(subj, comment): """ Update the comment about a subject Args: subj : Subject id comment (str) : subject comment """ conn = get_connection() q = "INSERT OR REPLACE into subj_comments (subject,comment) VALUES (?,?)" with conn: cur = conn.execute(q, (subj, comment))
[docs]def get_samples_df(): """ Get available samples Returns: pandas.DataFrame : A class:`~pandas.DataFrame` with columns for sample name, sample description, and sample size; indexed by the sample index """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT sample_idx, sample_name, sample_desc, sample_size FROM subj_samples" data = sql.read_sql(q, conn, index_col="sample_idx", coerce_float=False) return data
[docs]def sample_name_existst(sample_name): """ Check if a sample with a given name exists Args: sample_name (str) : Sample name Returns: ``True`` if a sample with this name exists in the database, ``False`` otherwise. """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT count(*) FROM subj_samples WHERE sample_name = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (sample_name,)) res = cur.fetchone() return res[0] > 0
[docs]def get_sample_data(sample_idx): """ Retrieve the sample data from the database Args: sample_idx (int) : Sample id Returns: The set of subjects in the sample """ conn = get_connection() q = "SELECT sample_data FROM subj_samples WHERE sample_idx = ?" cur = conn.execute(q, (sample_idx,)) res = cur.fetchone() if res is None: raise Exception("Invalid sample index") data_str = res[0] data = cPickle.loads(str(data_str)) return data
[docs]def delete_sample(sample_id): """ Delete a sample from the database Args: sample_id (int) : Sample id """ conn = get_connection() with conn: q = "DELETE FROM subj_samples WHERE sample_idx = ?" conn.execute(q, (int(sample_id),))
[docs]def delete_scenario(scn_id): """ Delete a scenario from the database It is also unlinked from variables, and if a screenshot is found it is deleted. This is not reversible. Args: scn_id (int) : Scenario id """ conn = get_connection() try: with conn: # delete vars_scenarios q = "DELETE FROM vars_scenarios WHERE scn_id = ?" conn.execute(q, (scn_id,)) # delete scenario q = "DELETE FROM scenarios WHERE scn_id = ?" conn.execute(q, (scn_id,)) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e: print(e) print("DataBase not modified") raise else: # delete screenshot scenario_dir = os.path.join( braviz.readAndFilter.braviz_auto_dynamic_data_root(), "braviz_data", "scenarios") scenario_name = "scenario_%d.png" % scn_id full_name = os.path.join(scenario_dir, scenario_name) print(full_name) if os.path.isfile(full_name): os.remove(full_name)