Source code for braviz.visualization.checkerboard_view

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

import logging

import vtk
from vtk.qt4.QVTKRenderWindowInteractor import QVTKRenderWindowInteractor
from PyQt4.QtGui import QFrame, QHBoxLayout
from PyQt4.QtCore import pyqtSignal

from braviz.visualization.simple_vtk import OrientationAxes, persistentImagePlane, get_window_level
from braviz.visualization.subject_viewer import do_and_render

__author__ = 'Diego'

[docs]class CheckboardView(object): """ Viewer to compare two images """ def __init__(self, render_window_interactor, reader, widget): """ Construct the viewer Args: render_window_interactor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor) : Interactor for the image plane widget reader (braviz.visualization.base_reader.BaseReader) : Braviz reader widget (QObject) : Must implement *slice_change_handle* """ self.iren = render_window_interactor self.ren_win = render_window_interactor.GetRenderWindow() = vtk.vtkRenderer(), 0.75, 0.75)), 0.5, 0.5)), 0.2, 0.2)) self.ren_win.SetMultiSamples(0) self.ren_win.AlphaBitPlanesOn() self.ren_win.AddRenderer( self.iren.SetInteractorStyle(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()) self.axes = OrientationAxes() self.axes.initialize(self.iren) self.reader = reader self.widget = widget # pipeline # img1 -> map_colors -------------- |checkboard view ---> plane widget # img2 -> reslice -> map_colors -> | self.__img1 = None self.__img2 = None self.__color_wl1 = vtk.vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors() self.__color_wl2 = vtk.vtkImageMapToWindowLevelColors() self.__color_wl1.SetOutputFormatToRGB() self.__color_wl2.SetOutputFormatToRGB() self.__lut = self.reader.get("LABEL", None, lut=True, name="APARC") self.__color_labels1 = vtk.vtkImageMapToColors() self.__color_labels2 = vtk.vtkImageMapToColors() self.__color_labels1.SetLookupTable(self.__lut) self.__color_labels2.SetLookupTable(self.__lut) self.__color_labels1.SetOutputFormatToRGB() self.__color_labels2.SetOutputFormatToRGB() # WL : Window Level, NOM: Nominal, PT: Pass Throug (no lut) self.__color1_type = "WL" self.__color2_type = "WL" self.__reslice2 = vtk.vtkImageReslice() self.__checkboard_view = vtk.vtkImageCheckerboard() self.__plane_widget = None self.__current_space = "subject" self.__orientation = 2 self.__divs = 3 self.__img1_params = (None, "None", None) self.__img2_params = (None, "None", None) self.__outline = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter() self.__outline_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() self.__outline_mapper.SetInputConnection( self.__outline.GetOutputPort()) self.__outline_actor = vtk.vtkActor() self.__outline_actor.SetMapper(self.__outline_mapper) self.reset_camera(0, skip_render=True) self.set_number_of_divisions(self.__divs, skip_render=True) __camera_positions_dict = { 0: ((-3.5, 0, 13), (157, 154, 130), (0, 0, 1)), 2: ((-3.5, 0, 10), (250, 0, 10), (0, 0, 1)), 1: ((-3.5, 0, 10), (-250, 0, 10), (0, 0, 1)), 4: ((-3.5, 0, 10), (-3.5, -200, 10), (0, 0, 1)), 3: ((-3.5, 0, 10), (-3.5, 200, 10), (0, 0, 1)), 5: ((-3, 0, 3), (-3, 0, 252), (0, 1, 0)), 6: ((-3, 0, 3), (-3, 0, -252), (0, 1, 0)), } @do_and_render
[docs] def reset_camera(self, position): """ resets the current camera to standard locations. Args: position (int) : - 0: initial 3d view - 1: left - 2: right - 3: front - 4: back - 5: top - 6: bottom """ focal, position, viewup = self.__camera_positions_dict[position] cam1 = cam1.SetFocalPoint(focal) cam1.SetPosition(position) cam1.SetViewUp(viewup)
[docs] def update_pipeline(self): """ Updates the whole visualization pipeline """ if self.__plane_widget is None: self._create_image_plane_widget() if self.__img1 is None and self.__img2 is None: self.__plane_widget.Off() return else: self.__plane_widget.On() if self.__img1 is not None: self.__outline.SetInputData(self.__img1) if self.__color1_type == "NOM": self.__color_labels1.SetInputData(self.__img1) if self.__img2 is None: self.__color_labels1.Update() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__color_labels1.GetOutput()) else: self.__color_labels1.Update() self.__checkboard_view.SetInput1Data( self.__color_labels1.GetOutput()) elif self.__color1_type == "WL": self.__color_wl1.SetInputData(self.__img1) w, l = get_window_level(self.__img1) self.__color_wl1.SetWindow(w) self.__color_wl1.SetLevel(l) if self.__img2 is None: self.__color_wl1.Update() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__color_wl1.GetOutput()) # self.__plane_widget.SetInputConnection(self.__color_wl1.GetOutputPort()) else: self.__color_wl1.Update() self.__checkboard_view.SetInput1Data( self.__color_wl1.GetOutput()) elif self.__color1_type == "PT": if self.__img2 is None: self.__plane_widget.SetInputData(self.__img1) else: self.__checkboard_view.SetInput1Data(self.__img1) else: raise ValueError if self.__img2 is not None: if self.__img1 is not None: self.__reslice2.SetOutputOrigin(self.__img1.GetOrigin()) self.__reslice2.SetOutputSpacing(self.__img1.GetSpacing()) self.__reslice2.SetOutputExtent(self.__img1.GetExtent()) if self.__color2_type: self.__reslice2.SetInterpolationModeToNearestNeighbor() else: self.__reslice2.SetInterpolationModeToCubic() self.__reslice2.SetInputData(self.__img2) else: self.__outline.SetInputData(self.__img2) #---------------------------------- if self.__color2_type == "NOM": if self.__img1 is None: self.__color_labels2.SetInputData(self.__img2) self.__color_labels2.Update() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__color_labels2.GetOutput()) else: self.__color_labels2.SetInputConnection( self.__reslice2.GetOutputPort()) self.__color_labels2.Update() self.__checkboard_view.SetInput2Data( self.__color_labels2.GetOutput()) elif self.__color2_type == "WL": w, l = get_window_level(self.__img2) self.__color_wl2.SetWindow(w) self.__color_wl2.SetLevel(l) if self.__img1 is None: self.__color_wl2.SetInputData(self.__img2) self.__color_wl2.Update() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__color_wl2.GetOutput()) else: self.__color_wl2.SetInputConnection( self.__reslice2.GetOutputPort()) self.__color_wl2.Update() self.__checkboard_view.SetInput2Data( self.__color_wl2.GetOutput()) elif self.__color2_type == "PT": if self.__img1 is None: self.__plane_widget.SetInputData(self.__img2) else: self.__reslice2.Update() self.__checkboard_view.SetInput2Data( self.__reslice2.GetOutput()) else: raise ValueError if self.__img1 is not None and self.__img2 is not None: self.__checkboard_view.Update() # print self.__checkboard_view.GetOutput() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__checkboard_view.GetOutput())
def _create_image_plane_widget(self): """ Creates the internal vtkImagePlaneWidget """ if self.__plane_widget is None: self.__plane_widget = persistentImagePlane(self.__orientation) self.__plane_widget.SetInteractor(self.iren) self.__plane_widget.GetColorMap().SetLookupTable(None) self.__plane_widget.On() def slice_change_handler(source, event): new_slice = self.__plane_widget.GetSliceIndex() self.widget.slice_change_handle(new_slice) self.__plane_widget.AddObserver( self.__plane_widget.slice_change_event, slice_change_handler) @do_and_render
[docs] def set_img1(self, subj, img_class, img_name, contrast=1, force=False): """ Sets the first image Args: subj : Subject image code img_class (str) : image class (see :meth:`braviz.visualization.subject_viewer.ImageManager.change_image_modality`) img_name (str) : image name (see :meth:`braviz.visualization.subject_viewer.ImageManager.change_image_modality`) contrast (int) : contrast for fMRI images force (bool) : if ``True`` force reloading the data """ if img_class is not None: img_class = img_class.upper() img_name = img_name.upper() params = (subj, img_class, img_name, contrast) if params == self.__img1_params and not force: return self.__img1_params = params if img_class is None: self.__img1 = None else: try: self.__img1 = self.reader.get(img_class, subj, format="vtk", space=self.__current_space, name=img_name) except Exception as e: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.exception(e) self.__img1 = None if img_class == "LABEL": self.__color1_type = "NOM" elif img_class == "DTI": self.__color1_type = "PT" elif img_class == "IMAGE": self.__color1_type = "WL" elif img_class is None: pass else: raise NotImplementedError self.update_pipeline()
[docs] def set_img2(self, subj, img_class, img_name, contrast=None, force=False): """ Sets the second image Args: subj : Subject image code img_class (str) : image class (see :meth:`braviz.visualization.subject_viewer.ImageManager.change_image_modality`) img_name (str) : image name (see :meth:`braviz.visualization.subject_viewer.ImageManager.change_image_modality`) contrast (int) : contrast for fMRI images force (bool) : if ``True`` force reloading the data """ if img_class is not None: img_class = img_class.upper() img_name = img_name.upper() params = (subj, img_class, img_name, contrast) if params == self.__img1_params and not force: return self.__img2_params = params if img_class is None: self.__img2 = None else: try: self.__img2 = self.reader.get(img_class, subj, format="vtk", space=self.__current_space, name=img_name) except Exception as e: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.exception(e) self.__img2 = None if img_class == "LABEL": self.__color2_type = "NOM" elif img_class == "DTI": self.__color2_type = "PT" elif img_class == "IMAGE": self.__color2_type = "WL" else: raise NotImplementedError self.update_pipeline()
[docs] def set_number_of_divisions(self, divs): """ Set number of divisions in the checkboard pattern Args: divs (int) : Number of divisions """ divs_ar = [divs] * 3 divs_ar[self.__orientation] = 1 self.__checkboard_view.SetNumberOfDivisions(divs_ar) self.__divs = divs if self.__img1 is not None and self.__img2 is not None: self.__checkboard_view.Update() self.__plane_widget.SetInputData( self.__checkboard_view.GetOutput())
[docs] def set_orientation(self, orientation_int): """ Sets orientation of the plane widget Args: orientation_int (int) : 0 is x, 1 is y, 2 is z """ self.__plane_widget.set_orientation(orientation_int) self.__orientation = orientation_int self.set_number_of_divisions(self.__divs, skip_render=True)
def _load_test_view(self): """ Test """ self.set_img1(119, "IMAGE", "MRI") self.set_img2(119, "LABEL", "APARC") @do_and_render
[docs] def change_space(self, new_space): """ Change current coordinate system new_space (str) : new coordinate system, see :meth:`~braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader.get` """ self.__current_space = new_space p1 = self.__img1_params p2 = self.__img2_params self.set_img1(*p1, force=True, skip_render=True) self.set_img2(*p2, force=True, skip_render=True)
[docs] def set_image_slice(self, new_slice): """ Set plane widget slice Args: new_slice (int) : Index of desired slice """ if self.__plane_widget is None: return self.__plane_widget.SetSliceIndex(int(new_slice)) self.__plane_widget.InvokeEvent(self.__plane_widget.slice_change_event)
[docs] def get_number_of_image_slices(self): """ Gets the number of slices available in the current direction Returns: The number of available slices """ if self.__plane_widget is None: return 0 img = self.__plane_widget.GetInput() if img is None: return 0 dimensions = img.GetDimensions() return dimensions[self.__orientation]
[docs]class QCheckViewer(QFrame): """ Wraps the :class:`CheckboardView` so that in can be connected to Qt applications. """ slice_changed = pyqtSignal(int) def __init__(self, reader, parent): """ Constructs the widget Args: reader (braviz.visualization.base_reader.BaseReader) : Braviz reader parent (QObject) : Parent """ QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.__qwindow_interactor = QVTKRenderWindowInteractor(self) self.__reader = reader self.__vtk_viewer = CheckboardView( self.__qwindow_interactor, self.__reader, self) self.__layout = QHBoxLayout() self.__layout.addWidget(self.__qwindow_interactor) self.__layout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.setLayout(self.__layout)
[docs] def initialize_widget(self): """ Call this function **after** calling show on the widget or a parent """ self.__qwindow_interactor.Initialize() self.__qwindow_interactor.Start()
@property def viewer(self): """ Access to internal :class:`CheckboardView` object """ return self.__vtk_viewer
[docs] def slice_change_handle(self, new_slice): """ Emits a qt signal when the current slice is changed from vtk """ self.slice_changed.emit(new_slice)