Source code for braviz.visualization.simple_vtk

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtk import vtkImagePlaneWidget
from braviz.interaction import get_fiber_bundle_descriptors, compute_volume_and_area
import logging

__author__ = 'diego'

def _test_arrow(head, tail):
    """A test for the arrow polydata"""
    renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow()
    ren = vtk.vtkRenderer()
    iren = renWin.GetInteractor()
    head_sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource()
    tail_sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource()
    head_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    tail_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    head_actor = vtk.vtkActor()
    tail_actor = vtk.vtkActor()
    head_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    tail_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    arrow = get_arrow(head, tail)
    arrow_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()
    arrow_actor = vtk.vtkActor()

def estimate_window_level(image):
    Estimates appropriate window and level values for the given image
    hist = vtk.vtkImageHistogramStatistics()
    x0, xf = hist.GetAutoRange()
    window = xf - x0
    level = (xf + x0)*0.5
    return window, level

[docs]class SimpleVtkViewer(object): """A very simple windows with vtk renderers and interactors. This class is intended for interactive work and fast prototyping. As such it is very simple and limited. For full interactive applications consider using :mod:`~braviz.visualization.subject_viewer` """ def __init__(self): """Initialized the internal renderer, render window and intereactor""" = vtk.vtkRenderer() self.renWin = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() self.iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() self.iren.SetInteractorStyle(vtk.vtkInteractorStyleTrackballCamera()) self.iren.SetRenderWindow(self.renWin) self.renWin.AddRenderer( self.renWin.SetSize(600, 400) # self.renWin.Initialize() self.iren.Initialize() self.picker = vtk.vtkCellPicker() self.picker.SetTolerance(0.005) cam1 = cam1.Elevation(80) cam1.Azimuth(80) cam1.SetViewUp(0, 0, 1) self.pd_actors = [] print("call addPolyData or addImg to add data to the viewer\n call start to interact")
[docs] def addPolyData(self, polyData, LUT=None): """ Adds a poly data to the viewer, a LUT can be set. Args: polyData (vtkPolyData) : Polydata object to add to the scene LUT (vtkScalarsToColors) : A lookup table to apply to the polydata Returns: The vtkActor instance created, it may be used to change the visual properties """ mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputData(polyData) if LUT: mapper.UseLookupTableScalarRangeOn() mapper.SetLookupTable(LUT) mapper.SetColorModeToMapScalars() actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) # # self.pd_actors.append(actor) return actor
[docs] def start(self, reset=True): """ Call this method to start the interaction, interaction can be stopped by pressing 'q' on the main window Args: reset (bool) : If True the camera will be reset """ print("press 'Q' on viewer window to stop") import sys sys.stdout.flush() if reset is True: self.renWin.Render() self.iren.Start()
[docs] def addImg(self, img): """ Use this method to show an image inside an image plane widget. Args: img (vtkImageData) : Image Returns: The created imagePlaneWidget """ planeWidget = persistentImagePlane() planeWidget.SetInputData(img) planeWidget.SetPlaneOrientationToXAxes() planeWidget.SetSlicePosition(0.5) planeWidget.UpdatePlacement() planeWidget.DisplayTextOn() # An outline is shown for context. outline = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter() outline.SetInputData(img) outlineMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() outlineMapper.SetInputConnection(outline.GetOutputPort()) outlineActor = vtk.vtkActor() outlineActor.SetMapper(outlineMapper) planeWidget.SetPicker(self.picker) planeWidget.SetInteractor(self.renWin.GetInteractor()) planeWidget.PickingManagedOn() planeWidget.On() # # return planeWidget
[docs] def clear_poly_data(self): """Removes all polydata from the viewer""" for actor in self.pd_actors: self.pd_actors = []
[docs]def save_ren_win_picture(ren_win, file_name, magnification=1): """ Saves an screenshot of a render window Args: ren_win (vtkRenderWindow) : Render Window file_name (str) : Path to save screenshot """ ren2img = vtk.vtkWindowToImageFilter() ren2img.SetInput(ren_win) ren2img.SetMagnification(magnification) ren2img.Update() writer = vtk.vtkPNGWriter() writer.SetFileName(file_name) writer.SetInputConnection(ren2img.GetOutputPort()) writer.Write()
[docs]def remove_nan_from_grid(grid): """ Remove missing values from a grid, it is necessary in some version of vtk to avoid crash Args: grid (vtkPolyData) : Should only contain lines """ out = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = grid.GetPoints() out.SetPoints(points) lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() lines.Initialize() for ic in xrange(grid.GetNumberOfCells()): c = grid.GetCell(ic) pids = c.GetPointIds() l = [] for ip in xrange(pids.GetNumberOfIds()): pid = pids.GetId(ip) pt = grid.GetPoint(pid) if np.all(np.isfinite(pt)): l.append(pid) if len(l) > 0: lines.InsertNextCell(len(l)) for p in l: lines.InsertCellPoint(p) out.SetLines(lines) return out
[docs]class persistentImagePlane(vtkImagePlaneWidget): """A vtkImagePlaneWidget which can keep its state between calls to SetInputData. It adds a second text message showing the mm coordinates of the cursors This message can be further enhanced by using a label image and a label dictionary Additionally the values displayed in the first message can be replaced by values taken from another image, this is useful when the displayed image contains colors or other contexts that are not the main value (ex, fmri) Finally, this class generates custom events when moving the cursor and when changing the slice.""" def __init__(self, orientation=0): """ Construct a persistent image plane Args: Orientation (int) : x:0 , y:1, z:2""" self.SetMarginSizeX(0) self.SetMarginSizeY(0) self.SetDisplayText(1) self.Initialized = False self.Orientation = orientation self.MiddleButton = False self.labels_set = False self.labels_dict = None self.slice_change_event = vtk.vtkCommand.UserEvent + 1 self.cursor_change_event = vtk.vtkCommand.UserEvent + 2 self.window_level_change_event = vtk.vtkCommand.UserEvent + 3 self.alternative_text1 = False self.last_cursor_position = None self.alternative_img = None
[docs] def SetInputData(self, img): """ Changes the input data por the plane widget Args: img (vtkImageData) : New image data """ if self.Initialized: window_level = [0, 0] old_slice = self.GetSlicePosition() self.GetWindowLevel(window_level) vtkImagePlaneWidget.SetInputData(self, img) self.SetSlicePosition(old_slice) self.SetWindowLevel(*window_level) self.InvokeEvent(self.slice_change_event) else: self.Initialized = True vtkImagePlaneWidget.SetInputData(self, img) self.SetPlaneOrientation(self.Orientation) mid_slice = img.GetDimensions()[self.Orientation] // 2 self.SetSliceIndex(mid_slice) self.InvokeEvent(self.slice_change_event)
[docs] def SetInteractor(self, iact): """ Links the widget to an interactor Args: iact (vtkRenderWindowInteractor) : Render window interactor """ # Initializes the second text message, and performs normal # vtkImagePlaneWidget initialization vtkImagePlaneWidget.SetInteractor(self, iact) text2 = vtk.vtkTextActor() cor = text2.GetPositionCoordinate() cor.SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedViewport() text2.SetPosition([0.99, 0.01]) text2.SetInput('probando') tprop = text2.GetTextProperty() tprop.SetJustificationToRight() tprop.SetFontSize(18) text2.SetVisibility(0) def mouse_interaction(obj, event): """ Handles StartInteractionEvent and InteractionEvent Displays the appropriate messages in the corner When the mouse button is pressed displays the current slice Otherwise displays the coordinates in mm, and the associated label if available The message in the left corner may be changed so that the value is taken from a second image, this is usefurl for example to display a composed fmri image but showing in the message only the z-score """ if (not self.GetDisplayText()) and (not self.alternative_text1): self.last_cursor_position = None if self.MiddleButton: self.InvokeEvent(self.slice_change_event) else: self.InvokeEvent(self.cursor_change_event) return text2.SetVisibility(1) x, y, z = self.GetCurrentCursorPosition() img2 = self.GetInput() x0, y0, z0 = img2.GetOrigin() dx, dy, dz = img2.GetSpacing() x1 = x0 + dx * x y1 = y0 + dy * y z1 = z0 + dz * z self.last_cursor_position = (x1, y1, z1) if self.MiddleButton: message = 'Slice: %d' % self.GetSliceIndex() # create event, an observer can listen to this self.InvokeEvent(self.slice_change_event) else: message = '(%d, %d, %d)' % (x1, y1, z1) self.InvokeEvent(self.cursor_change_event) if self.labels_set: label = self.get_label(x1, y1, z1) message += ': %s' % label if self.alternative_text1: ix, iy, iz = map(int, (x, y, z)) value = self.alternative_img.GetScalarComponentAsDouble( ix, iy, iz, 0) message2 = '( %d, %d, %d ) : %f' % (x, y, z, value) self.text1.SetInput(message2) self.text1.SetVisibility(1) text2.SetInput(message) def end_interact(obj, event): """Handles EndInteractionEvent""" text2.SetVisibility(0) if self.alternative_text1: self.text1.SetVisibility(0) self.MiddleButton = False def detect_middle_button(obj, event): """Helps in detecting when the middle button is pressed""" if event == 'MiddleButtonPressEvent': self.MiddleButton = True else: self.MiddleButton = False # def detect_window_level_event(obj, event): # print self.GetWindow(), self.GetLevel() self.GetInteractor().AddObserver( 'MiddleButtonPressEvent', detect_middle_button, 1000) self.GetInteractor().AddObserver( 'MiddleButtonReleaseEvent', detect_middle_button, 1000) self.AddObserver('InteractionEvent', mouse_interaction) self.AddObserver('StartInteractionEvent', mouse_interaction) self.AddObserver('EndInteractionEvent', end_interact) # self.AddObserver('WindowLevelEvent',detect_window_level_event) self.text2 = text2
[docs] def On(self): """ Turn the widget on """ # Adds the second text actor to the current renderer vtkImagePlaneWidget.On(self) ren = self.GetCurrentRenderer() ren.AddActor(self.text2) ren.Render()
[docs] def setLabelsLut(self, lut): """ A lookup table can be used to translate numeric labels into text labels Args: lut (vtkLookupTable) : Lookup table """ self.labels_dict = {} self.aparc_lut = lut
[docs] def addLabels(self, label_img): """ A second image can be used to get labels for image coordinates (ex. aparc) Args: label_img (vtkImageData) : Image to use as reference for labels """ self.label_img = label_img if label_img is not None: self.labels_set = True else: self.labels_set = False
[docs] def get_label(self, x, y, z): """ Auxiliary function to get the label in a given coordinate (in mm) Args: x (float) : x coordinate y (float) : y coordinate z (float) : z coordinate Returns: If a lookuptable is set returns the text label, otherwise the numeric label """ img2 = self.label_img x0, y0, z0 = img2.GetOrigin() dx, dy, dz = img2.GetSpacing() x1 = (x - x0) / dx y1 = (y - y0) / dy z1 = (z - z0) / dz x1 = int(round(x1)) y1 = int(round(y1)) z1 = int(round(z1)) l = int(img2.GetScalarComponentAsDouble(x1, y1, z1, 0)) if self.labels_dict is None: return l if not l in self.labels_dict: idx = self.aparc_lut.GetAnnotatedValueIndex(l) label = self.aparc_lut.GetAnnotation(idx) self.labels_dict[l] = label return self.labels_dict[l]
[docs] def text1_value_from_img(self, img2): """ Text 1 value can be read from a different image than the one been shown, useful for composed images Args: img2 (vtkImageData) : Image to get values for lower left corner text """ self.SetDisplayText(0) text1 = vtk.vtkTextActor() cor = text1.GetPositionCoordinate() cor.SetCoordinateSystemToNormalizedViewport() text1.SetPosition([0.01, 0.01]) text1.SetInput('probando') tprop = text1.GetTextProperty() tprop.SetJustificationToLeft() tprop.SetFontSize(18) text1.SetVisibility(0) self.alternative_text1 = True self.alternative_img = img2 self.text1 = text1 ren = self.GetCurrentRenderer() if ren is not None: ren.AddActor(self.text1)
[docs] def text1_to_std(self): """ Turn text1 behaviour back to standard, reverts the effects of text1_value_from_img """ if not self.alternative_text1: return ren = self.GetCurrentRenderer() if ren is not None: ren.RemoveActor(self.text1) self.SetDisplayText(1) self.alternative_text1 = False self.alternative_img = None self.text1 = None
[docs] def set_orientation(self, orientation): """ Sets image plane orientation Args: orientation (int) : x:0 , y:1, z:2 """ self.Orientation = orientation self.SetPlaneOrientation(self.Orientation) image = self.GetInput() if image is None: return mid_slice = image.GetDimensions()[self.Orientation] // 2 self.SetSliceIndex(mid_slice) self.InvokeEvent(self.slice_change_event)
[docs]class OutlineActor(vtk.vtkActor): """A simple shortcut for displaying the outline of an object Encapsulates an outline filter, a mapper and an actor""" def __init__(self): """ Creates internal mapper, and filter, and performs the connections """ outline = vtk.vtkOutlineFilter() outlineMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() outlineMapper.SetInputConnection(outline.GetOutputPort()) self.SetMapper(outlineMapper) self.outline = outline
[docs] def set_input_data(self, input_data): """ Sets the input data for the outline Args: input_data (vtkDataObject) : Object whose outline we want """ self.outline.SetInputData(input_data)
[docs] def SetInputData(self, input_data): """ For better compatibility with vtk methods style Args: input_data (vtkDataObject) : Object whose outline we want """ self.outline.SetInputData(input_data)
[docs]class OrientationAxes(object): """ An orientation cube with faces labeled for Right, Left, Anterior, Posterior, Superior and Inferior """ def __init__(self): axes_actor = vtk.vtkAnnotatedCubeActor() axes_actor.SetXPlusFaceText("R") axes_actor.SetXMinusFaceText("L") axes_actor.SetYPlusFaceText("A") axes_actor.SetYMinusFaceText("P") axes_actor.SetZPlusFaceText("S") axes_actor.SetZMinusFaceText("I") axes_actor.GetTextEdgesProperty().SetColor(1, 1, 1) axes_actor.GetTextEdgesProperty().SetLineWidth(2) axes_actor.GetCubeProperty().SetColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) axes = vtk.vtkOrientationMarkerWidget() axes.SetOrientationMarker(axes_actor) axes.SetViewport(0.9, 0.9, 1, 1) self.axes = axes
[docs] def initialize(self, render_window_interactor): """ Link the orientation cube with an interactor render_window_interactor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor) : vtk interactor """ self.axes.SetInteractor(render_window_interactor) self.axes.EnabledOn() self.axes.InteractiveOn()
[docs]def get_arrow(head, tail): """ create a polydata arrow, consider using vtkArrowSource Args: head (tuple) : coordinates for arrow head tail (tuple) : coordinates for arrow tail """ arrow_pd = vtk.vtkPolyData() points_array = vtk.vtkPoints() triangle_array = vtk.vtkCellArray() line_array = vtk.vtkCellArray() arrow_points = [ (-0.1, 0, 0), (-0.1, -0.5, 0), (0, 0, 0), (-0.1, 0.5, 0), (-1, 0, 0)] for i, p in enumerate(arrow_points): points_array.InsertPoint(i, p) triangle_array.InsertNextCell(4) for p in (0, 1, 2, 3): triangle_array.InsertCellPoint(p) line_array.InsertNextCell(2) line_array.InsertCellPoint(0) line_array.InsertCellPoint(4) arrow_pd.SetPoints(points_array) arrow_pd.SetLines(line_array) arrow_pd.SetPolys(triangle_array) #---adjust to tail and head t = vtk.vtkTransform() t.Identity() t.PostMultiply() head = np.array(head) tail = np.array(tail) length = np.linalg.norm(head - tail) if length > 0: t.Scale(length, length / 20, 1) rot_axis = np.cross(head - tail, (1, 0, 0)) rot_angle = np.arcsin(np.linalg.norm(rot_axis) / length) if np.isnan(rot_angle): # handles legendary rounding errors log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.warning("please check output closely") if np.linalg.norm((head - tail) / length - (1, 0, 0)) < length / 1000: rot_angle = 0 else: rot_angle = np.pi deg_angle = 180 / np.pi * rot_angle if - tail, (1, 0, 0)) < 0: deg_angle = 180 - deg_angle t.RotateWXYZ(-1 * deg_angle, rot_axis[0], rot_axis[1], rot_axis[2]) t.Translate(*head) transfor_filter = vtk.vtkTransformPolyDataFilter() transfor_filter.SetInputData(arrow_pd) transfor_filter.SetTransform(t) transfor_filter.Update() return transfor_filter.GetOutput()
def fibers_balloon_message(fib_actor, name=None): """Gets a standard message for fiber bundle balloons This message contains the number of fibers in the bundle, their mean length, max length, min length, and standard deviation of length""" mapper = fib_actor.GetMapper() try: fib = mapper.GetInput() except AttributeError: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.warning("No fibers available") return "No fibers available" d = get_fiber_bundle_descriptors(fib) message = """Number of fibers: %d Mean Length (mm) : %.2f Max: %.2f Min: %.2f Std: %.2f""" % d if name is not None: message = name + '\n' + message else: message = 'Fiber Bundle\n' + message return message
[docs]class cursors(vtk.vtkPropAssembly): """ Emulates the cursors in vtkImagePlaneWidget There will be two copies of the cursors polydata, one in front and one at the back of the image plane, the separation between them is controlled by the :meth:`set_delta` method """ def __init__(self, axis=0): """The perpendicular axis is x:0 , y:1, z:2 Notice that for the cursor to work properly the spacing, dimensions and origin of the underlying image must be set""" actor_delta = 1.0 # Space within the cursor and the image, notice there are cursors on both sides cursor_x = vtk.vtkLineSource() cursor_x_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() cursor_x_mapper.SetInputConnection(cursor_x.GetOutputPort()) cursor_x_actor = vtk.vtkActor() cursor_x_actor2 = vtk.vtkActor() cursor_x_actor.SetMapper(cursor_x_mapper) cursor_x_actor2.SetMapper(cursor_x_mapper) cursor_y = vtk.vtkLineSource() cursor_y_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() cursor_y_mapper.SetInputConnection(cursor_y.GetOutputPort()) cursor_y_actor = vtk.vtkActor() cursor_y_actor2 = vtk.vtkActor() cursor_y_actor.SetMapper(cursor_y_mapper) cursor_y_actor2.SetMapper(cursor_y_mapper) actors_spacing1 = [0, 0, 0] actors_spacing2 = [0, 0, 0] actors_spacing1[axis] = -1 * actor_delta actors_spacing2[axis] = 1 * actor_delta cursor_x_actor.SetPosition(actors_spacing1) cursor_x_actor2.SetPosition(actors_spacing2) cursor_y_actor.SetPosition(actors_spacing1) cursor_y_actor2.SetPosition(actors_spacing2) for act in [cursor_x_actor, cursor_x_actor2, cursor_y_actor, cursor_y_actor2]: act.GetProperty().SetColor(1.0, 0, 0) self.AddPart(act) = actor_delta self.cursor_x = cursor_x self.cursor_y = cursor_y self.spacing = (1, 1, 1) self.dimensions = (10, 95, 68) self.origin = (0, 0, 0) self.axis = axis self.actor_x1 = cursor_x_actor self.actor_x2 = cursor_x_actor2 self.actor_y1 = cursor_y_actor self.actor_y2 = cursor_y_actor2
[docs] def set_spacing(self, dx, dy, dz): """ Sets the spacing of the underlying image Args: dx (float) : x spacing dy (float) : y spacing dz (float) : z spacing """ self.spacing = (dx, dy, dz)
[docs] def set_dimensions(self, nx, ny, nz): """ Sets the dimensions of the underlying image Args: nx (float) : x dimension ny (float) : y dimension nz (float) : z dimension """ self.dimensions = (nx, ny, nz)
[docs] def set_origin(self, x, y, z): """ Sets the origin of the underlying image Args: x (float) : x origin y (float) : y origin z (float) : z origin """ self.origin = (x, y, z)
[docs] def set_cursor(self, x, y, z): """ Set the position of the cursor Args: x (float) : x position y (float) : y position z (float) : z position """ # current_slice=slice_mapper.GetSliceNumber() # Attention to change in variables, now XY define the plane dx, dy, dz = self.spacing ox, oy, oz = self.origin nx, ny, nz = self.dimensions if self.axis == 0: self.cursor_x.SetPoint1((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * 0)) self.cursor_x.SetPoint2((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * nz)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint1((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * 0, oz + dz * z)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint2((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * ny, oz + dz * z)) elif self.axis == 1: self.cursor_x.SetPoint1((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * 0)) self.cursor_x.SetPoint2((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * nz)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint1((ox + dx * 0, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * z)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint2((ox + dx * nx, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * z)) else: self.cursor_x.SetPoint1((ox + dx * 0, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * z)) self.cursor_x.SetPoint2((ox + dx * nx, oy + dy * y, oz + dz * z)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint1((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * 0, oz + dz * z)) self.cursor_y.SetPoint2((ox + dx * x, oy + dy * ny, oz + dz * z))
[docs] def change_axis(self, axis): """ Change the axis perpendicular to the image plane Args: axis (int) : x:0 , y:1, z:2 """ self.axis = axis actors_spacing1 = [0, 0, 0] actors_spacing2 = [0, 0, 0] actors_spacing1[axis] = -1 * actors_spacing2[axis] = 1 * self.actor_x1.SetPosition(actors_spacing1) self.actor_y1.SetPosition(actors_spacing1) self.actor_x2.SetPosition(actors_spacing2) self.actor_y2.SetPosition(actors_spacing2)
[docs] def set_delta(self, delta): """ Sets separation between front and back cursors. Args: delta (float) : Separation """ = delta
[docs]def build_grid(orig_img, img_slice, sampling_rate=5): """Creates an homogenous grid, useful for showing the effects of transformations The grid dimensions are based on the orig_img, img_slice is used to position the grid along the x axis, For the moment only grids perpendicular to the x axis are available Args: orig_img (vtkImageData) : Image to base grid on img_slice (int) : Slice of the image where the grid will be located (along the x asis) sampling_rate (int) : Density of the grid, there will be a line each *sampling_rate* voxels """ dimensions = orig_img.GetDimensions() spacing = orig_img.GetSpacing() origin = orig_img.GetOrigin() n_points = int(dimensions[1] * dimensions[2]) def img2world(i, j, k): return np.array((i, j, k)) * spacing + origin def flat_index(j, k): return j * dimensions[2] + k points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetNumberOfPoints(n_points) for j in xrange(dimensions[1]): for k in xrange(dimensions[2]): idx = flat_index(j, k) coords = img2world(img_slice, j, k) points.SetPoint(idx, coords) grid = vtk.vtkPolyData() grid.SetPoints(points) lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() # vertical: for j in xrange(dimensions[1]): if j % sampling_rate == 0: lines.InsertNextCell(dimensions[2]) for k in xrange(dimensions[2]): lines.InsertCellPoint(flat_index(j, k)) # horizontal for k in xrange(dimensions[2]): if k % sampling_rate == 0: lines.InsertNextCell(dimensions[1]) for j in xrange(dimensions[1]): lines.InsertCellPoint(flat_index(j, k)) grid.SetLines(lines) cleaner = vtk.vtkCleanPolyData() cleaner.SetInputData(grid) cleaner.Update() clean_grid = cleaner.GetOutput() return clean_grid
def add_solid_balloon(balloon_widget, solid_actor, name=None, my_volume=None): """Adds a standard balloon for models This standard balloon will contain the solid name(if given), its volume and its surface area my_volume can be specified to replace the auto calculated volume """ mapper = solid_actor.GetMapper() poly_data = mapper.GetInput() (volume, area) = compute_volume_and_area(poly_data) #message = "Volume = %.2f mm3 \nSurface Area = %.2f mm2 " % (volume, area) if my_volume is not None: volume = my_volume message = "Volume* = %.2f mm3 \nSurface Area = %.2f mm2 " % (volume, area) if name is not None: message = "%s \n%s" % (name, message) balloon_widget.AddBalloon(solid_actor, message) return def add_simple_solid_balloon(balloon_widget, solid_actor, message): """YOYIS Adds a standard balloon with a custom message""" balloon_widget.AddBalloon(solid_actor, message) return def add_fibers_balloon(balloon_widget, fib_actor, name=None): """Adds a standard balloon for fiber bundles, the message contains the name, the number of fibers and descriptors about the length of the fibers (see fibers_balloon_message)""" message = fibers_balloon_message(fib_actor, name) balloon_widget.AddBalloon(fib_actor, message)
[docs]def get_window_level(img): """ Automatically gets appropriate window and level values for displaying an image Args: img (vtkImageData) : Image Returns (window,level), proposed values """ stats = vtk.vtkImageHistogramStatistics() stats.SetInputData(img) stats.Update() _, w = stats.GetAutoRange() return w, w / 2