Braviz Messages¶
Communicate a change of the current focus subject
type : "subject",
subject : <subj_id>
Communicate a change in the current focus sample
For all processes
type : "sample",
sample : <subjects list>
For a single process
type : "sample",
sample : <subjects list>,
target : <id_of target instance>
Communicate data about user actions. Include application state (scenario), so that the state can be revisited.
type : "log",
action: <description of user action>,
state : <resulting state of the application>,
pid : <id of application instance>,
application : <name of application>,
time : timestamp when the action happened,
sceensshot : <optional, base64 encoded raw png data of a 128x128 image>
type: "log",
action: subject changed,
state : {current_subject: 10, variables: [45, 14,32], plot: ['scatter']},
pid : 1546,
application : 'anova',
time : 105130014
Reload State¶
Used to reload the state of an application stored in the log db.
If the application that created that state is still open:
- Should it be reloaded on the same instance? (the current implementation will do this,
but it has to be discussed with users).
- or should a new instance be launched?
If the application is no longer available then the menu should spawn a new instance, and then wait for the ready message from it. After that the menu will send the message again with the target changed to the new instance.
type : "reload",
target : <instance_id>,
scenario : <scenario data>
type : "reload",
target : '486f3202-2d12-4122-9ad3-69c884c8ccbd',
scenario : {outcome : "my_outcome", sample : [1,2,3,4], regressors:["reg_1". "reg_2"]}
Used to suggest variables from one application to the others. Applications that receive the message should display a dialog indicating the suggestion and asking the user if he wants to add all of them or a subset to the working set of variables.
type : "variables",
variables : <vars_list>
type : "variables",
variables : ["var_1", "var_2", "var_3"]
These messages are used to share visualizations between applications. The punctual cases considered right now are
- Copy the configuration of one subject_overview application to another, useful for comparing subjects side by side
- Copy the configuration fron one subject_overview application to a sample_overview without saving a scenario
These messages should be targeted to a specific application instance in order to not affect the state of other applications. For this purpose the sender instance must know which receivers are available and ask the user to select one of them.
In the future more cases may be added.
type : "Visualization",
source : "subject_overview",
target : <id_of_target_application>,
scenario : <scenario_data>
type : "Visualization",
source : "subject_overview",
scenario : <scenario_data>