Set-up Braviz on a New Data-Set¶
This guide shows hot to prepare data, and how to configure Braviz in order to work with new data-sets.
Process Spatial Data¶
In order to take full advantage of Braviz, it is recommended to run the following programs on your data
- FreeSurfer segmentation, surface reconstructions and parcellation
- Model reconstruction of freeSurfer segmentations
- Tracula
- Fitting tensors, and creating FA, MD and DTI images
- Deterministic tractography
- SPM first level analysis of functional paradigms
- SPM-Dartel registration
In the currently configured projects deterministic tractography and tensor fitting was done using Camino. All of the items in the above list are mandatory except the FreeSurfer pipeline. The scripts used during the kmc400 project are available on github as a reference, however for large projects it is worth using a pipeline framework as Loni or NiPype.
Create a data reader¶
All access to spatial data goes through Braviz, data readers, in this way the
system can be isolated from the underlying file structure. By building an appropriate
reader it is even possible to have data on a remote system. All readers should
inherit from BaseReader
, and implement the abstract methods.
These readers should be located on the braviz.readAndFilter
module, in a module named
as the project, in lowercase. For example the reader for a project called foobar the module should be called
braviz.readAndFilter.foobar, and inside the module there should be a class named FooBarReader.
Two full readers are already implemented. The first one (braviz.readAndFilter.kmc40
) was for the KMC pilot study.
The file system in this reader was organized first by subject and then by data type. In other words, all of the data
belonging to a subject was contained in the same folder. Additionally the braviz cache and dynamic data was written to
the same folder that contains the spatial data.
The (braviz.readAndFilter.kmc400
) module contains the reader for the full KMC. This study contains images from
about 250 subjects, and therefore it was not practical to copy spatial data to all machines. Therefore usually
data is shared through samba as read only, and dynamic data and cache are kept locally on each machine. In this case,
data is tored first by data type, and then by subject, so that the Freesurfer’s SUBJECTS_DIR can be used directly.
Both of these readers operate in a similar way, the main difference is in the routes required to load files from disk.
The common operations are coded in the braviz.readAndFilter.kmc400.kmc_abstract
module. Feel free to use any of these modules as a basis
for your new reader.
The important areas that must be modified are:
- The indices of available fMRI pardigms and images
- The locations of files
- The transformations between coordinate systems
- If required, custom functions to read files and convert to numpy or vtk.
Remember that the end objective is having a reader that conforms to the BaseReader
interface. Also
notice that there are several static methods that need to be implemented. Inside these methods it may be
useful to use the hosts configuration file, which can be accessed using the function
Create directory for dynamic data¶
Braviz will generate the database file and cache directory automatically. The only requirement is to create a directory with a folder called braviz_data inside. Please make sure you have write permissions on these two directories.
Create configuration files¶
To run braviz with using the new project you need to specify it in the braviz.cfg configuration file, which is located in the braviz.applications folder. For example, to run Braviz using the FooBar data set, the configuration file should look like this
project = foobar
Also remember to set the Default_Variables and default_subject fields appropriately (see Configuring).
A new _hosts configuration file can be added to enter configuration parameters unique to each host. For the sample projecct foobar this file would need to be named foobar_hosts.cfg, and located in the braviz.applications folder (see Configuring)
Import tabular data¶
The final step is importing some tabular data into the system. This can be done via the
import variables dialog (see Import variables), or by using the parse_spss_file
command line applicetion.
Notice that only subjects with tabular data will appear in braviz.