Low level functions¶
The readAndFilter module contains additional functions which should not be necessary for creating applications. These
functions however may be used when developing new BaseReader
Handle memory cache
(max_cache=500)[source]¶ Class used to cache data, see
¶ Data container
¶ Maximum amount of memory in Mb that should be used by the process
(*args, **kwds)[source]¶ Store items in the order the keys were last updated
(cache_container)[source]¶ Decorator which saves function results in memory to speed up repeated requests for the same information
The decorator uses a
to store data, and to limit the amount of memory used. Last access time is also recorded, and in case that memory needs to be released, data with oldest access time is deleted.Parameters: cache_container (braviz.readAndFilter.cache.CacheContainer) – Object used to store data
(obj)[source]¶ A wrapper that saves the return values for a function, and returns them if the function is called again with the same arguments.
There is no limit to the size of the cache in this wrapper, consider using
. For large data use func:cache_function.Parameters: obj (function) – function to wrap
Add color and scalars to tractographies
(pt, fa_img)[source]¶ Calculates color based on an FA img
Deprecated since version 3.0: Use scalars instead
Parameters: - pt (tuple) – points coordinates
- fa_img (vtkImageData) – FA image
Returns: (r,g,b)
(pt)[source]¶ Color a point based on its ‘z’ coordinate
Parameters: pt (tuple) – Point coordinates Returns: (r,g,b)
(fibers, polyline_color_function, *args, **kw)[source]¶ Applies a function to each line in a tractography to assign it a color
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- polyline_color_function (function) – Function that takes a vtkCell and returns a dict mapping point ids to colors
- *args – extra positional arguments passed to
- **kwargs – extra keyword arguments passed to
(fibers, color_function, *args, **kw)[source]¶ Apply a function to assign color for each point in a tractography
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- color_function (function) – Function that takes point coordinates and returns a color tuple
- *args – extra positional arguments passed to
- **kwargs – extra keyword arguments passed to
(line)[source]¶ Calculates a color based on the curvature of the polyline
Implements the simple formula from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curvature
Parameters: line (vtkCell) – Polyline Returns: Dictionary from all point ids to the random color
(line)[source]¶ Creates a random color and maps the whole line to it
Parameters: line (vtkCell) – Polyline Returns: Dictionary from all point ids to the random color
(fibers, nifti_image)[source]¶ Assigns scalars taken from an image to a polydata
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- nifti_image (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – Image to grab scalars from. It should be on the same coordinates system as the tractography
(fibers, nifti_image)[source]¶ Assigns scalars taken from an image to a polydata without interpolation (nearest neighbour)
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- nifti_image (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – Image to grab scalars from. It should be on the same coordinates system as the tractography
(fibers)[source]¶ Assigns scalars to each line representing its length
Parameters: fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
(fibers, nifti_image)[source]¶ Averages scalars along lines and assigns one scalar to each line, based on an image
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- nifti_image (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – Image to grab scalars from. It should be on the same coordinates system as the tractography
Extract fibers from tractographies
[source]¶ A class to interactively filter a polydata with a moving sphere
(center, radius, get_ids=False)[source]¶ Filter polydata to keep only the lines which have a point inside a sphere
Parameters: Returns: If get_ids is True the ids of the satisfying cells are returned, otherwise a filtered vtkPolydata is returned
(bundle)[source]¶ Set the base polydata
Parameters: bundle (vtkPolyData) – base bundle
(fibers, predicate)[source]¶ Extract lines where at least one point makes predicate True.
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- predicate (function) – Should take point coordinates and return a boolean
Returns: Set of cells where the predicate is True for at least one point
(box1, box2)[source]¶ test if two bounding boxes intersect
Parameters: Returns: True
if the bounding boxes intersect,False
(polydata, id_list)[source]¶ Extracts polylines with given ids from polydata
Parameters: - polydata (vtkPolyData) – Full polydata
- id_list (list) – List of cell ids
Returns: A vtkPolyData containing only the requested cells.
(fibers, model)[source]¶ filters a polyline, keeps only the lines that cross a model
Parameters: - fibers (vtkPolyData) – Tractography
- model (vtkPolyData) – Structure model (closed surface)
Returns: Set of polyline ids where the line goes through the model
(fibs, scalar)[source]¶ Finds lines where at least one point has a scalar value in the range (scalar -0.5, scalar + 0.5)
Parameters: - fibs (vtkPolyData) – Full polydata with scalar data
- scalar (float) – scalar value to look for
Returns: Cell ids where at least one point has a scalar in the range (scalar -0.5, scalar + 0.5)
(polydata, img, label)[source]¶ Filter polydata based on labels found in an image.
For each point in the polyline the function finds the corresponding label in the image. Only lines where at least one point has the requested label are left in the output set.
Parameters: - polydata (vtkPolyData) – Full tractography polydata
- img (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – Label map, should be in same coordinate system as polydata
- label (int) – Label of interest
Returns: Set of CellIds where at least one point gets the requested label
(polydata, img, label)[source]¶ Slow version of
hierarchical fibers¶
Read fibers defined by a logical hierarchy
(subj, reader)[source]¶ Gets a list of the polyline ids of the whole tractography
Parameters: - subj – Subject id
- reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
(subj, tree_node, reader)[source]¶ Get polyline ids that match the condition in a logical node
Parameters: - subj – Id of subject
- tree_node (braviz.interaction.logic_bundle_model.LogicBundleNode) – Tree node, must have logical type
- reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
(subj, tree_node, reader)[source]¶ Get ids of polylines that match the condition described in a tree node
Parameters: - subj – Id of subject
- tree_node (braviz.interaction.logic_bundle_model.LogicBundleNode) – Tree node
- reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
(subj, roi_id, reader)[source]¶ Get polyline ids that match the condition in a roi node
Parameters: - subj – Id of subject
- roi_id – Database id of a ROI (see
) - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
(subj, struct, reader)[source]¶ Get polyline ids that match the condition in a structure node
Parameters: - subj – Id of subject
- struct (str) – Name of a freesufer model
- reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
(subj, space, tree_dict, reader, **kwargs)[source]¶ Gets a
for a bundle described using a logical hierarchyParameters: - subj – Id of subject
- tree_dict (dict) – Dictionary describing the logical tree,
- reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Reader object to get data from
Work with nifti and vtk Images
(nii)[source]¶ Transform a nifti image read by nibabel into a vtkImageData ignoring transformations
Parameters: nii (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – Nifti image object Returns: vtkImageData, transformations are ignored, you should apply them afterwards see applyTransform()
(nifti_rgb)[source]¶ Reads 4D rgb nifti images
Parameters: nifti_rgb (nibabel.spatialimages.SpatialImage) – 4D Nifti image object Returns: vtkImageData with rgb scalars
(d, data_type=None)[source]¶ Transform a 3d numpy array into a vtk image data object
Parameters: - d (numpy.ndarray) – Voxel data
- data_type (str) – Data type of voxel data, if None attempts to read from the array
Returns: vtkImageData
(vtk_image)[source]¶ Transform a vtk image into a numpy array
Parameters: vtk_image (vtkImageData) – vtk image Returns: A numpy array of the same shape as the image
(data, affine, out_file)[source]¶ Writes nifti image to disk
Parameters: - data (numpy.ndarray) – Voxel data
- affine (numpy.ndarray) – Image transformation
- out_file (str) – Path to output file
(image_data, out_file)[source]¶ Write a vtkImage to disk as a nifti file
Parameters: - image_data (vtkImageData) – Image to write
- out_file (str) – Path to output nifti file
Use custom python functions to filter tractographies
(reader, subject, color, scalars, get_out_space=False)[source]¶ Gets the corpus callosum bundle
Parameters: - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Braviz reader
- subject – subject id
- color (str) – color for the output fibers
- get_out_space (bool) – If True return only the space in which the tracts are defined
Returns: vtkPolyData of the corpus callosum bundle
(reader, subject, color, scalars, get_out_space=False)[source]¶ Gets the dominant hemisphere corticospinal tract
Parameters: - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Braviz reader
- subject – subject id
- color (str) – color for the output fibers
- get_out_space (bool) – If True return only the space in which the tracts are defined
Returns: vtkPolyData of dominant cortico-spinal tract
(reader, subject, color, scalars=None)[source]¶ Gets the left cortico-spinal tract
Parameters: - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Braviz reader
- subject – subject id
- color (str) – color for the output fibers
- get_out_space (bool) – If True return only the space in which the tracts are defined
Returns: vtkPolyData of left cortico-spinal tract
(reader, subject, color, scalars, get_out_space=False)[source]¶ Gets the non-dominant hemisphere corticospinal tract
Parameters: - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Braviz reader
- subject – subject id
- color (str) – color for the output fibers
- get_out_space (bool) – If True return only the space in which the tracts are defined
Returns: vtkPolyData of non-dominant cortico-spinal tract
(reader, subject, color, scalars=None)[source]¶ Gets the right corticospinal tract
Parameters: - reader (braviz.readAndFilter.base_reader.BaseReader) – Braviz reader
- subject – subject id
- color (str) – color for the output fibers
- get_out_space (bool) – If True return only the space in which the tracts are defined
Returns: vtkPolyData of right cortico-spinal tract
Parse data from csv files
(col, name='unknown')[source]¶ Transforms a list of values into a vtkArray, useful for feedint into vtk Data Viz functions
Parameters: Returns: A vtkDataArray with the values in col
(file_name, name, numeric=False, nan_value=nan)[source]¶ Reads a column from a csv file
Deprecated since version 3.0b: Use
insteadParameters: Returns: A list with the values in the column
(file_name)[source]¶ Get the headers of a csv file
Parameters: file_name (str) – csv file path Returns: A list of headers in the file
(file_name, key_col, columns, numeric=False, nan_value=nan)[source]¶ Reads multiple columns from a csv file
Deprecated since version 3.0b: Use
insteadParameters: Returns: A dictionary with values from key_col as keys, and tuples from the values in columns
(file_name, row, search_col=None, col=None)[source]¶ Read data from freeSurfer stats file
If row is headers returns a list of file headers Otherwise: a single row will be selected based on the row value and the search_col value. The function will return the row where the value under column with header search_col matches row if col is given, only the value under the column with this header will be returned
Parameters: Returns: If col is
the whole row that contains row in column search_col; otherwise, the value under col for that row.
Read data from spm.mat
(name, onsets, durations)¶ -
()¶ Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.
()¶ Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
()¶ Return a nicely formatted representation string
¶ Alias for field number 2
¶ Alias for field number 0
¶ Alias for field number 1
(name, design)¶ -
()¶ Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.
()¶ Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling
()¶ Return a nicely formatted representation string
¶ Alias for field number 1
¶ Alias for field number 0
(spm_file_path)[source]¶ Helper class to read data from an SPM file
¶ Experimental conditions in the paradigm
Returns: A named tuple (see collections.namedtuple()
) with condition name as first component (str), onsets (numpy.ndarray) as second argument, and durations (numpy.array) as third argument
¶ Existing contrast design arrays
Returns: A named tuple (see collections.namedtuple()
) with contrast name as first component (str), and the contrast design array as second component (numpy.array)
(index)[source]¶ Gets a block signal representing a condition
Returns: numpy.ndarray
of the same length as the one returned byget_time_vector()
, it will be 1 when the condition is active, and 0 otherwise
()[source]¶ A dictionary with contrast names
Returns: A dictionary with contrast indexes (starting at 1) for keys and contrast names for values
()[source]¶ Gets a vector containing time values for the duration of the experiment
Returns: numpy.ndarray
with time values across the duration of the experiment
¶ The number of scans in the experiment
¶ The TR time in the experiment
(m)[source]¶ check that the affine matrix contains only spacing and translation
Parameters: m (numpy.ndarray) – 4x4 Matrix Returns:
if the components other than the diagonal and the last column are zero,False
(y_file, assume_general_matrix=False)[source]¶ reads a dartel nifti file from disk and returns a vtkTransform, this function is very slow
Parameters: Returns: vtkGridTransform if the matrix is only spacing and origin, otherwise a vtkGeneralTransform which include the full original affine transform.
(y_file, cache_key, reader, assume_general_matrix=False)[source]¶ Cached version of
Parameters: - y_file (str) – Path to nifti warp file
- cache_key (str) – Key to use for saving and reading from cache
- reader (
) – Reader object to use for accessing cache - assume_general_matrix (bool) – If True it will be assumed that the matrix contains more than origin and spacing
Returns: vtkGridTransform if the matrix is only spacing and origin, otherwise a vtkGeneralTransform which include the full original affine transform.
(surf_polydata, scalars)[source]¶ Add scalars to a vtkPolyData representation of a freesurfer surface
Parameters: - surf_polydata (vtkPolyData) – freesurfer surface
- scalars (numpy.ndarray) – scalars belonging to the same freesurfer surface (same number of points)
Returns: vtkPolyData with scalar data
(coords, offset)[source]¶ applies an offset to all the coordinates in coords
Parameters: coords (numpy.ndarray) – nx3 coordinates array Returns: nx3 coordinates array of translated coordinates
(coords, faces)[source]¶ Creates a polydata using the coords and faces array (must contain only triangles)
Parameters: - coords (numpy.ndarray) – Points coordinates array
- faces (numpy.ndarray) – Faces array
Returns: vtkPolyData with same points and faces
(start, end, midpoint, sharpness, color0, color1, color2=None)[source]¶ Creates a vtkLookUpTable from color0 to color1 or from color0 to color2 passing by color1
The domain of the LUT will be (start,end) midpoint and sharpness can be used to change the characteristics of the function between colors (see vtkPiecewiseFunction) if three colors are used, the resulting function will be symmetric, this means the actual midpoint for the second half will be 1-midpoint
Parameters: - start (float) – first value in the lookuptable domain
- end (float) – last value in the lookuptable domain
- midpoint (float) – Midpoint for function between colors
- sharpness (float) – Sharpness for function between colors
- color0 (tuple) – First color in the lookuptable
- color1 (tuple) – Second color in the lookuptable
- color2 (tuple) – Optional, third color in the lookuptable
Returns: vtkColorTransferFunction
(name)[source]¶ Get standard freesurfer lookup tables
Parameters: name (str) – Name of table, available tables are - curv / avg_curv - area - thickness - volume - sulc Returns: vtkColorTransferFunction
(filepath, orig_ids=False)[source]¶ Read in a Freesurfer annotation from a .annot file.
copied directly from pysurfer.io
Parameters: Returns: - labels (n_vtx numpy.ndarray) – Annotation id at each vertex
- ctab (numpy.ndarray) – RGBA + label id colortable array
- names (numpy.ndarray) – Array of region names as stored in the annot file
(filepath)[source]¶ Read a Freesurfer morphometry data file.
copied directly from pysurfer.io
This function reads in what Freesurfer internally calls “curv” file types, (e.g. ?h. curv, ?h.thickness), but as that has the potential to cause confusion where “curv” also refers to the surface curvature values, we refer to these files as “morphometry” files with PySurfer.
Parameters: filepath (str) – Path to morphometry file Returns: curv (numpy.ndarray) – Vector representation of surface morpometry values
(filepath)[source]¶ reads a freesurfer wireframe structure
Parameters: filepath (str) – Path to freesurfer surface file Returns: (coords,faces,geom), where coords are the coordinates of each point, faces are the indeces of points in each face, and geom is a dictionary containing ['cras', 'volume', 'voxelsize', 'xras', 'yras', 'zras']
which can be used to determine the affine transform required to move the surface to the MRI space
(ctab, names=None)[source]¶ Transform freesurfer lookuptable into a vtkLookupTable
The index of the row will be used as label. This method is designed to work with the ctab array returned by read_annot; labels may be used to annotate values
Parameters: - ctab (numpy.ndarray) – 2darray with R G B [A] [X] columns.
- names (list) – Same length as ctab, add annotations to the lookuptable
- Retruns:
- vtkLookupTable with colors and annotations.
(img, transform, origin2=None, dimension2=None, spacing2=None, interpolate=True)[source]¶ Apply a linear transform to a grid which afterwards resamples the image.
Be sure to pass the inverse of the transform you would use to transform a point. Accepts linear and non linear transforms
Parameters: - img (vtkImageData) – Image
- transform (vtkTransform) – Linear or nonlinear transform
- origin2 (tuple) – If not None, the origin for the output image
- dimension2 (tuple) – If not None, the dimension for the output image
- spacing2 (tuple) – If not None, the spacing for the output image
- interpolate (bool) – If True voxel values are interpolated, if
the nearest neighbour value is used. This is important for label maps.
Returns: Resampled vtkImageData
(M)[source]¶ Transform a 4x4 numpy array into vtk4x4 matrix
Parameters: M (numpy.ndarray) – Numpy 4x4 array - Returns
- vtk4x4Matrix
(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶ read a matrix in fsl flirt format
In order to apply this transformation information about the source and ref images is also requierd. The function returns the effective transform that can be applied to point data.
Parameters: Returns: Numpy 4x4 matrix
(filename)[source]¶ Reads a freeSurfer transform file and returns a numpy array
Parameters: filename (str) – Path to freesurfer transform Returns: 4x4 numpy array
(data, transform)[source]¶ Use a transform or a 4x4Matrix to transform vtkPointData or poly data
Parameters: - data – Data to apply the transform to
- transform (vtkTransform) – Transform to be applied
Returns: Transformed data
(poly_data, transform)[source]¶ Kept for compatibility, it is an alias to
Deprecated since version 3.0b: Use