Source code for braviz.visualization.matplotlib_qt_widget

#    Braviz, Brain Data interactive visualization                            #
#    Copyright (C) 2014  Diego Angulo                                        #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify    #
#    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as          #
#    published by  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the     #
#    License, or (at your option) any later version.                         #
#                                                                            #
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          #
#    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                     #
#                                                                            #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License#
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.   #

from __future__ import division

__author__ = 'Diego'

from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui

import matplotlib
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

from itertools import izip

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import logging

import seaborn as sns

[docs]class AbstractPlot(object): """ Base class for plots used inside the :class:`MatplotWidget` """
[docs] def redraw(self): """ Should redraw its contents, called when the widget is resized """ raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented")
[docs] def add_subjects(self, subjs): """ Should highlight the specified points in the plot Args: subjs (list) : List of subjects to highlight """ return None
[docs] def highlight(self, subj): """ Should highlight one point in the plot Args: subj : Id of point to highlight """ return None
[docs] def get_tooltip(self, event): """ Request a tooltip at a given position Return an empty string if there is no tooltip for that position Args: event (matplotlib.backend_bases.MouseEvent) : Matplotlib MouseEvent that caused the request, extract the position from here Returns: string to show as tooltip, empty string if you don't want to show anything """ return ""
[docs] def get_last_id(self): """ Get the id of the point last signaled with the cursor. This is used by the MatplotWidget to create a context menu Returns: Id of the last point for which a tooltip was requested """ return None
[docs]class MatplotWidget(FigureCanvasQTAgg): """ A Matplotlib Qt Widget capable of drawing different kinds of plots It emits the following signals - point_picked (str) : When the user clicks on a point in the plot - context_requested (str) : When the user right clicks on a point Both of them include the id of the clicked point. """ # These signals return the id of the point where the action occured point_picked = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) context_requested = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self, parent=None, dpi=100, initial_message=None): """ Starts the widget Args: parent (QObject) : Parent for the widget dpi (float) : Scale of the graphical elements, larger means font will be smaller initial_message (str) : Optional, write a message at the start """ fig = Figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=dpi, tight_layout=True) self.fig = fig self.axes = fig.add_subplot(111) FigureCanvasQTAgg.__init__(self, fig) self.setParent(parent) FigureCanvasQTAgg.setSizePolicy( self, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.updateGeometry() palette = self.palette() fig.set_facecolor(palette.background().color().getRgbF()[0:3]) self.axes.margins(0, 0, tight=True) # observers self.setMouseTracking(True) self.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move_handler) self.mpl_connect("pick_event", self.show_tooltip) self.mpl_connect("button_press_event", self.mouse_click_handler) # internal_data self.painted_plot = None = None self.colors_dict = None self.__title = None self.__title_text = None if initial_message is not None: func = lambda: self.draw_message(initial_message) QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, func) def __get_one_axis(self): n_axis = len(self.fig.get_axes()) if n_axis == 1: self.axes.clear() else: self.fig.clear() self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes.margins(0, 0, tight=True) return self.axes
[docs] def draw_message(self, message): """ Draws a message on the widget Args: message (str) : Message to display """ self.__get_one_axis() self.painted_plot = MessagePlot(self.axes, message) self.draw()
[docs] def draw_bars(self, data, ylims=None, orientation="vertical", group_labels=None): """ Draws a bar chart Args: data (pandas.DataFrame) : Data frame to draw, the first column will be the height of the bars, the optional second column will be used to group data ylims (tuple) : minimum and maximum y axis values orientation (str) : Orientation of the bars, can be "vertical" or "horizontal" group_labels (dict): Optioina, dictionary with group labels """ self.__get_one_axis() self.painted_plot = MatplotBarPlot( self.axes, data, ylims, orientation, group_labels) self.colors_dict = self.painted_plot.colors_dict self.draw()
[docs] def draw_coefficients_plot(self, coefficients_df, draw_intecept=False): """ Draws a coefficient plot to show the results of a linear regression Args: coefficients_df (pandas.DataFrame) : DataFrame containing the 95% confidence interval as CI_95, the standard error (Std_error), Slope, and indexed by coefficient names. draw_intecept (bool) : if ``True`` the intercept coefficient (first in the DataFrame) will be draw otherwise it will be ignored. """ self.__get_one_axis() self.painted_plot = CoefficientsPlot( self.axes, coefficients_df, draw_intecept) self.draw()
[docs] def draw_histogram(self): """ Draws a histogram of the data, not yet implemented """ raise NotImplementedError pass
[docs] def draw_scatter(self, data, x_name, y_name, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, reg_line=True, hue_var=None, hue_labels=None, qualitative_map=True, x_labels=None): """ Draws a scatter plot Args: data (pandas.DataFrame) : DataFrame with numerical data x_name (str) : Name of the column containing the data for the *x* axis y_name (str) : Name of the column containing the data for the *y* axis x_label (str) : Optional, label for the *x* axis, if not given *x_name* will be used y_label (str) : Optional, label for the *y* axis, if not given *y_name* will be used reg_line (bool) : If ``True`` draw a line showing a linear regression between the two variables hue_var (str) : Optional, Name of the column containing the data for the color hue_labels (dict) : Optional, Labels to use for each level of the *hue_var* qualitative_map (bool) : If ``True`` use a qualitative color map, otherwise use a sequential color map x_labels (dict) : Optional, specify positions and values for tickmarks in the x axis """ self.__get_one_axis() self.painted_plot = ScatterPlot(self.axes, data, x_name, y_name, xlabel, ylabel, reg_line, hue_var=hue_var, hue_labels=hue_labels, qualitative_map=qualitative_map, x_ticks=x_labels) self.draw()
[docs] def draw_intercept(self, data, y_name, groups=None, ylabel=None, ci_plot=True, color=None, group_labels=None): """ Draws a plot to show the mean of different data groups Args: data (pandas.DataFrame) : DataFrame with numerical data y_name (str) : *data* column containing the y axis data groups (str) : optional, column containing group numerical labels ci_plot (bool) : if ``True`` draw a confidence interval color (tuple) : Optional, color to use for the plot group_labels (dict) : Optional, labels for the different groups """ self.__get_one_axis() self.painted_plot = InterceptPlot( self.axes, data, y_name, groups, ylabel, ci_plot, color, group_labels=group_labels) self.draw()
[docs] def draw_boxplot(self): """ Draw a boxplot to illustrate anova results in the matplot widget, not yet implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw_spider_plot(self): """ Draw a spider plot in the matplot widget, not yet implemented """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def draw_residuals(self, residuals, fitted, names=None): """ Creates two plot which can be used to diagnose the residuals of a distribution. - An scatter plot of residuals vs predicted outcome variable - A histogram of residuals Args: residuals (numpy.ndarray) : Array of residuals fitted (numpy.ndarray) : Array of fitted values names (list) : Names to display as tooltips for each point """ # this will create two access self.painted_plot = ResidualsDiagnosticPlot( self.fig, residuals, fitted, names) self.draw()
def highlight_id(self, hid): self.painted_plot.highlight(hid) self.refresh_last_plot() def get_current_id(self): return self.painted_plot.get_last_id() def add_subject_markers(self, ids): log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"attempting to add subjects %s", ids) self.painted_plot.add_subjects(ids) self.draw() def refresh_last_plot(self): self.painted_plot.redraw() if self.__title_text is not None: self.__title = self.axes.set_title(self.__title_text) self.draw() def show_tooltip(self, event): if not isinstance(self.painted_plot, AbstractPlot): log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error("Invalid plot") return message = self.painted_plot.get_tooltip(event) if len(message) > 0: position = event.mouseevent.x, self.height() - event.mouseevent.y QtGui.QToolTip.showText( self.mapToGlobal(QtCore.QPoint(*position)), message, self) else: QtGui.QToolTip.hideText() def mouse_move_handler(self, event): self.pick(event) def mouse_click_handler(self, event): button = event.button log = logging.getLogger(__name__) last_id = self.painted_plot.get_last_id() if last_id is None: return if button == 1: log.debug("click") self.highlight_id(last_id) self.point_picked.emit(str(last_id)) elif button == 3: log.debug("right_click") self.context_requested.emit(str(last_id)) def set_figure_title(self, title): # if self.__title is not None: # self.__title.remove() self.__title = self.axes.set_title(title) self.__title_text = title self.draw() @property def last_viewed_subject(self): return self.painted_plot.get_last_id()
[docs]class MatplotBarPlot(AbstractPlot): """ Draws a bar plot on the :class:`MatplotWidget`. Bars are sorted from smallest to biggest, they also may be colored with respect to a nominal variable. To create a bar plot call :meth:`MatplotWidget.draw_bars` """ def __init__(self, axes, data, ylims=None, orientation="vertical", group_labels=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.highlight_color = '#000000' self.highlighted = None self.axes = axes self.orientation = orientation self.group_labels = group_labels self.grouped = True if data.shape[1] >= 2 else False assert isinstance(self.axes, matplotlib.axes.Axes) self.axes.cla() if ylims is None: maxi = data.max()[0] mini = 0 span = maxi - mini ylims = (0, maxi + 0.1 * span) col0 = data.columns[0] self.col0 = col0 ix_name = if self.orientation == "vertical": self.axes.set_ylim(*ylims) self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', right='on', labelleft='off', labelright='on') self.axes.tick_params( 'x', top='off', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off') self.axes.get_yaxis().set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylabel(col0) if ix_name is not None: self.axes.set_xlabel(ix_name) else: self.axes.set_xlim(*ylims) self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='on', right='off', labelleft='on', labelright='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'x', top='off', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off') self.axes.get_yaxis().set_label_position("left") self.axes.set_xlabel(col0) if ix_name is not None: self.axes.set_ylabel(ix_name) # sort data data2 = data.dropna() if self.orientation == "vertical": data2.sort(col0, ascending=False, inplace=True) else: data2.sort(col0, ascending=True, inplace=True) heights = data2[col0].get_values() pos = np.arange(len(heights)) data2.loc[:, "_pos"] = pos # create colors # colors_list=matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] # if data2.shape[1]>=2: # groups_col = data2.columns[1] # unique_indexes = data2[groups_col].unique() # unique_map = dict(izip(unique_indexes,range(len(unique_indexes)))) # colors = [colors_list[unique_map[i]] for i in data2[groups_col]] # else: # colors = colors_list[0] self.axes.axhline(ylims[0], color=self.highlight_color) = data2 self.pos = pos self.heights = heights #self.colors = colors groups =[1]) self.colors_list = sns.color_palette('Set1', len(groups)) self.colors_dict = dict( (n, self.colors_list[i]) for i, (n, g) in enumerate(groups) if len(g) > 0) self.last_id = None self.redraw() def redraw(self): # main plot ################### self.axes.cla() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) colors_list = self.colors_list if self.grouped is False: self.__draw_bars_and_higlight(, "_nolegend_", colors_list[0]) else: groups =[1]) for i, (name, group) in enumerate(groups): if len(group) > 0: label = self.group_labels[ name] if self.group_labels is not None else None if label is None or len(label) == 0: label = "Level %s" % name log.debug(label) self.__draw_bars_and_higlight(group, label, colors_list[i]) if self.orientation == "vertical": self.axes.set_xticklabels( self.axes.set_xticks(self.pos) self.axes.set_xlim(-0.5, len(self.pos) - 0.5) else: self.axes.set_yticklabels( self.axes.set_yticks(self.pos) self.axes.set_ylim(-0.5, len(self.pos) - 0.5) ix_name = if self.orientation == "vertical": self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', right='on', labelleft='off', labelright='on') self.axes.tick_params( 'x', top='off', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off') self.axes.get_yaxis().set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylabel(self.col0) if ix_name is not None: self.axes.set_xlabel(ix_name) else: self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='on', right='off', labelleft='on', labelright='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'x', top='off', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off') self.axes.get_yaxis().set_label_position("left") self.axes.set_xlabel(self.col0) if ix_name is not None: self.axes.set_ylabel(ix_name) if self.grouped is True: self.axes.legend(loc="lower right") def __draw_bars_and_higlight(self, data, label, color): if self.orientation == "vertical": patches =["_pos"].values, data[ self.col0].values, align="center", picker=5, color=color) else: patches =, bottom=data["_pos"].values, width=data[self.col0].values, align="center", picker=5, orientation=self.orientation, height=0.8, label=label, color=color) for i, p in enumerate(patches): p.set_url(data.index[i]) if data.index[i] == self.highlighted: p.set_linewidth(2) p.set_ec(self.highlight_color) def highlight(self, subj): self.highlighted = subj def get_tooltip(self, event): subj = event.artist.get_url() self.last_id = subj data = col0 = data.columns[0] message_rows = ["%s:" % subj] # value row = "%s : %.2f" % (col0, data.ix[subj, col0]) message_rows.append(row) # group? if self.grouped: col1 = data.columns[1] label = data.ix[subj, col1] if self.group_labels is not None: label = self.group_labels[label] row = "%s : %s" % (col1, label) message_rows.append(row) message = "\n".join(message_rows) # print message return message def get_last_id(self): return self.last_id
[docs]class CoefficientsPlot(AbstractPlot): """ Draws a coefficient plot to illustrate the results of a linear regression. The plot shows the 95% confidence intervals and standard errors. For a coefficient to be significant it's confidence intervals should not cross the zero line. For it to have an important effect it should be far from the zero. The input DataFrame should contain the results of a linear regression with normalized variables. The expected columns are - (index) : Coefficient names - CI_95 : lower and upper limit of the 95% confidence interval - Std_error : The standard error magnitude - Slope : slope of the coefficients in the regression Also the first row in the dataframe should be the intercept, this will be ignored if *intercept* is ``False``. Use :meth:`MatplotWidget.draw_coefficients_plot` to draw create this plot. """ def __init__(self, axes, coefs_df, draw_intercept=False): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.axes = axes if draw_intercept is False: self._df = coefs_df.iloc[1:].copy() else: self._df = coefs_df.copy() self.centers = self._df.Slope self.l95 = [i[0] for i in self._df.CI_95] self.h95 = [i[1] for i in self._df.CI_95] self.l68 = self.centers - self._df.Std_error self.h68 = self.centers + self._df.Std_error self.names = list(self._df.index) self.n_coefs = len(self._df) self.pos = range(self.n_coefs) self.color = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][1] self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='on', labelleft='on', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.redraw() def redraw(self): self.axes.clear() self.axes.set_ylim(-0.5, self.n_coefs - 0.5, auto=False) self.axes.set_xlim(-1, 1, auto=True) self.axes.axvline(0, ls="--", color=(0.4, 0.4, 0.4)) self.axes.minorticks_off() # draw 95 for p, l, h in izip(self.pos, self.l95, self.h95): self.axes.plot([l, h], [p, p], color=self.color, solid_capstyle="round", lw=1, zorder=1, picker=0.5) # draw 68 for p, l, h in izip(self.pos, self.l68, self.h68): self.axes.plot( [l, h], [p, p], c=self.color, solid_capstyle="round", lw=2.5, zorder=5) # draw centers self.axes.plot( self.centers, self.pos, "o", ms=8, zorder=10, c=self.color) # ticks self.axes.set_yticks(self.pos) self.axes.set_yticklabels(self.names) self.axes.set_xlabel("Standardized coefficients") def get_tooltip(self, event): y_coord = event.mouseevent.ydata i = int(round(y_coord)) try: name = self.names[i] slope = self.centers[i] message = "%s: %.2g" % (name, slope) return message except IndexError: return ""
[docs]class ResidualsDiagnosticPlot(AbstractPlot): """ Creates two plots to analyze distributions of residuals from a regression. The first one shows the distribution of the residuals with respect to the outcome variable. This should be used to check the hypothesis that the variance must be constant across this range. The second one shows a histogram of the residuals. This should be used to verify that the residuals distribution is close to normal. To create this plot call :class:`MatplotWidget.draw_residuals` """ def __init__(self, figure, residuals, fitted, names=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.names = names figure.clear() self.fig = figure gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=(2, 1)) self.axes = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) self.axes.clear() self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) # self.axes.set_ylabel("Residuals") self.axes.set_xlabel("Frequency") self.axes2 = self.fig.add_subplot(gs[0], sharey=self.axes) self.axes2.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes2.tick_params( 'y', left='on', labelleft='on', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes2.set_ylabel("Residuals") self.axes2.set_xlabel("Fitted") self.axes2.yaxis.set_label_position("left") self.axes2.axhline(color='k') self.subject_markers = None self.residuals = residuals self.fitted = fitted self.redraw() def get_tooltip(self, event): if self.names is None: return "" if event.mouseevent.inaxes == self.axes2: ind = event.ind names = ["%s" % self.names[i] for i in ind] return "\n".join(names) def redraw(self): residuals, fitted = self.residuals, self.fitted self.axes.hist( residuals, color="#2ca25f", bins=20, orientation="horizontal") self.axes2.scatter( fitted, residuals, s=20, color="#2ca25f", picker=0.5)
[docs]class MessagePlot(AbstractPlot): """ Draws a text message into a :class:`MatplotWidget` To create this plot call :class:`MatplotWidget.draw_scatter` """ def __init__(self, axes, message): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.axes = axes self.axes.set_ylim(0, 1) self.axes.set_xlim(0, 1) self.message = message self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='off', labelbottom='off', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='off', right="off") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.redraw() def redraw(self): message = self.message self.axes.text(0.5, 0.5, message, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=16)
[docs]class ScatterPlot(AbstractPlot): """ Draws an scatter plot in :class:`MatplotWidget`. The plot may contain - a line showing regression results - data from different groups painted with different colors To create this plot call :class:`MatplotWidget.draw_scatter` """ def __init__(self, axes, data, x_var, y_var, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, reg_line=True, hue_var=None, hue_labels=None, qualitative_map=True, x_ticks=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.x_name = x_var self.y_name = y_var self.z_name = hue_var if xlabel is None: xlabel = x_var if ylabel is None: ylabel = y_var self.df = data.copy() self.axes = axes self.reg_line = reg_line self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='on', right="on") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylabel(ylabel) self.axes.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.axes.set_xlim(auto=True) self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) self.color = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][0] self.hue_labels = hue_labels self.qualitative_map = qualitative_map self.x_ticks = x_ticks self.subject_markers = None self.last_id = None self.to_highlight = None self.redraw() def redraw(self): self.axes.clear() if self.z_name is None: url = self.df.index sns.regplot(self.x_name, self.y_name, data=self.df, fit_reg=self.reg_line, scatter_kws={"picker": 0.5, "url": url}, ax=self.axes, color=self.color) else: xlim = (self.df[self.x_name].min(), self.df[self.x_name].max()) xrange = xlim[1] - xlim[0] xlim = (xlim[0]-xrange/20, xlim[1]+xrange/20) ylim = (self.df[self.y_name].min(), self.df[self.y_name].max()) yrange = ylim[1] - ylim[0] ylim = (ylim[0]-yrange/20, ylim[1]+yrange/20) self.axes.set_xlim(xlim) self.axes.set_ylim(ylim) self.artists_dict = dict() unique_levels = np.unique(self.df[self.z_name]) n_levels = len(unique_levels) if self.qualitative_map: colors = sns.color_palette("Dark2", n_levels) else: # first one is too light colors = sns.color_palette("YlOrRd", n_levels + 1)[1:] for c, l in izip(colors, unique_levels): df2 = self.df[self.df[self.z_name] == l] if self.hue_labels is not None: label = self.hue_labels.get(int(l), "?") else: label = "?" url = df2.index sns.regplot(self.x_name, self.y_name, data=df2, fit_reg=self.reg_line, scatter_kws={"picker": 0.5, "url": url}, label=label, ax=self.axes, color=c) self.add_legend() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if self.x_ticks is not None: keys, labels = zip(*self.x_ticks.iteritems()) self.axes.set_xticks(keys) self.axes.set_xticklabels(labels) if self.to_highlight is not None: self.add_subjects(self.to_highlight) def add_subjects(self, subjs): if self.subject_markers is not None: try: self.subject_markers.remove() except ValueError: pass try: subjs_df = self.df.loc[subjs] except KeyError: log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"subject %s not found",subjs) self.subject_markers = None else: x_coords = subjs_df[self.x_name] y_coords = subjs_df[self.y_name] self.subject_markers = self.axes.scatter(x_coords, y_coords, marker="o", s=120, edgecolors="k", alpha=0.80, zorder=40, linewidths=2) self.subject_markers.set_facecolor('none') def highlight(self, subj): AbstractPlot.highlight(self, subj) self.to_highlight = [subj] def get_tooltip(self, event): if event.mouseevent.inaxes == self.axes: ind = event.ind urls = event.artist.get_url() names = ["%s" % urls[i] for i in ind] #names = ["%s"%self.names[i] for i in ind] self.last_id = urls[ind[0]] return "\n".join(names) def add_legend(self): if self.hue_labels is None: return self.axes.legend(title=self.z_name) def get_last_id(self): return self.last_id
[docs]class InterceptPlot(AbstractPlot): """ Draws a plot to show the mean of different data groups Optionally a confidence interval can be added. To create this plot call :class:`MatplotWidget.draw_intercept` """ def __init__(self, axes, data, y_var, groups=None, y_label=None, ci_plot=True, color=None, group_labels=None): sns.set_style("darkgrid") self.y_name = y_var if y_label is None: y_label = y_var self.df = data.copy() self.axes = axes self.ci_plot = ci_plot self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='off', labelbottom='off', labeltop='off', top='off') self.axes.tick_params( 'y', left='off', labelleft='off', labelright='on', right="on") self.axes.yaxis.set_label_position("right") self.axes.set_ylabel(y_label) self.axes.set_xlabel("") self.axes.set_ylim(auto=True) self.internal_df = self.df[[y_var]] self.subject_markers = None self.internal_df.columns = ["y_data"] self.last_viewed = None if color is None: self.color = matplotlib.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'][1] else: self.color = color # calculate mean and confidence intervals self.x_ticks = None if groups is None: arrays = [data[y_var]] urls = [data.index] self.x_data = [ i + 0.3 + 0.4 * np.random.random(len(a)) for i, a in enumerate(arrays)] self.internal_df["x_data"] = self.x_data[0] else: g_i = np.unique(data[groups]) arrays = [data[y_var][data[groups] == g].get_values() for g in g_i] if group_labels is not None: self.x_ticks = [group_labels.get(g, "?") for g in g_i] urls = [data.index[data[groups] == g] for g in g_i] self.x_data = [ i + 0.3 + 0.4 * np.random.random(len(a)) for i, a in enumerate(arrays)] x_ser = pd.Series(index=self.internal_df.index) for xd, ix in izip(self.x_data, urls): x_ser[ix] = xd self.internal_df["x_data"] = x_ser if self.ci_plot is True: = [_get_ci(a) for a in arrays] self.means = [np.mean(a) for a in arrays] self.arrays = arrays self.urls = urls self.redraw() def get_tooltip(self, event): urls = event.artist.get_url() ind = event.ind subj = urls[ind][0] self.last_viewed = subj return "%s" % subj def redraw(self): self.axes.clear() ax = self.axes c = self.color for i in xrange(len(self.arrays)): y_data = self.arrays[i] x_data = self.x_data[i] m = self.means[i] url = self.urls[i] l, h =[i] # scatter ax.scatter( x_data, y_data, color=c, url=url, picker=0.5, zorder=10, alpha=0.9) # line ax.hlines(m, i, i + 1, c, zorder=5) # error if self.ci_plot is True: ax.fill_between( (i, i + 1), (l, l), (h, h), zorder=4, color=c, alpha=0.2) ax.set_xlim(0, len(self.arrays), auto=False) if self.x_ticks is not None: ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0.5, len(self.arrays), 1)) ax.set_xticklabels(self.x_ticks) self.axes.tick_params( 'x', bottom='on', labelbottom='on', labeltop='off', top='off') def add_subjects(self, subjs): if self.subject_markers is not None: self.subject_markers.remove() subjs_df = self.internal_df.loc[subjs] x_coords = subjs_df["x_data"] y_coords = subjs_df["y_data"] self.subject_markers = self.axes.scatter(x_coords, y_coords, marker="o", s=120, edgecolors="k", alpha=0.80, zorder=40, linewidths=2) self.subject_markers.set_facecolor('none') def get_last_id(self): return self.last_viewed
def _get_ci(array): bootstrap = sns.algo.bootstrap(array, func=np.mean) ci = tuple( return ci if __name__ == "__main__": # init widget app = QtGui.QApplication([]) # show bar plot values = np.random.rand(10) groups = np.random.randint(1, 3, 10) data = pd.DataFrame( {"test": values, "group": groups}, columns=["test", "group"]) widget = MatplotWidget() widget.draw_bars( data, orientation="horizontal", group_labels={1: "One", 2: "Two"}) # widget.draw_bars(data,orientation="vertical") app.exec_()