
The interaction module provides higher level tools that can facilitate building Braviz applications. It also encapsulates data processing algorithms so that they can be shared across applications.

Qt Graphical User Interfaces

Most Braviz Applications use Qt as GUI engine. In this way applications can look familiar to the user in the supported operating systems, and behave as they expect.

Graphical interfaces can be built by code, or using the Qt Designer. The second is preferred for large applications as it gives you better feedback. You can even sit down with target users and design the interface together using this tool. GUI generated using Qt Designer are stored as xml files with .ui extension, the qt_guis folder contains all such used in braviz applications as well as images and other assets. This files are converted into python modules using the function


Updates python gui files in the braviz.interaction.qt_guis directory

This function generates python files from .ui files in the mentioned folder, as well as the file from resources.qrc qt resources file.


The qt_dialogs contains Braviz common dialogs which can be reused across applications.

See Braviz Qt Dialogs


The qt_models contains qt models which can be used in the Model / View Qt pattern.

See Braviz Qt Models


The qt_widgets contains specific braviz widgets which can be reused across applications. Notice that visualization related widgets are found inside the visualization module.

See Braviz Qt Widgets

Applications communication

All braviz applications share the same database, and the main way in which they communicate is through it. However applications may also send and receive messages from all other running applications, in order to coordinate the whole system.

See Braviz Inter Application Communication

R Statistical processing

Braviz connects with the R software using the RPy2 <> package. These statistical functions are isolated in the module r_functions

See R functions

Structures processing

Sometimes it is required to perform additional processing steps on the geometrical structure returned by braviz. For example calculating scalar measure or descriptors. This module intends to group such functions. Notice that when the intend of the processing is improving visualizations, functions should be located in braviz.visualization.

See Geometric Processing